Charger. Connections.
Student Engagement Events:
Student Organizations:
PTK Meeting. Every 1st and 3rd Friday, 10am, via Zoom. Email for the Zoom link.
Baptist Student Union. Every Monday, 11am-1pm, Floyd Campus Solarium Free food!
Psych Club Meeting. 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month, Noon-1:30pm (drop in anytime), Cartersville A-321. Email for more info
Follow all of GHC's teams at!
You can watch a live stream of all games at the Charger Sports Network
Men's Basketball:
Women's Basketball:
Community Events:
Career Services:
Career Readiness Workshop. Tuesday, July 18, 4:30-7:30, Cobb Civic Center. RSVP at
Six Mile Post:
The Six Mile Post has posted their new weekly newsletter! Click below to access all of the information located within the weekly newsletter!
eNewsletter October 19
Listen to the latest episodes of the Student Spin Podcast Network HERE
Good to Know!:
The Tutorial Center is back for face-to-face tutoring! Check the Tutorial Center website for hours and details. Virtual tutoring is also still available!
Does your advisor or professor:
Go above and beyond to help you?
Deserve a thank you?
Recognize them for their outstanding efforts! Thank a Teacher or Thank an Advisor.
The Library and Learning Commons have chargers for your phone and laptops available to check out!
STEM Space: Need help on your course work? Drop by Cartersville C225 for help in biology, chemistry, math, physics & geology! Times vary and are posted on the door outside the room.
Looking Ahead: