Student Grievance Policy


The purpose of this policy is to set out the guidelines and standards for the filing of a formal grievance by a student against a faculty or staff member. A grievance may arise out of a decision reached or action taken in the course of official duty by a member of the faculty or staff. Any student has the right to file a grievance. The Grievance Policy is applicable to situations not covered by the college’s Academic Integrity Policy, Grade Appeals Policy, or Sexual Harassment Policy.


Prior to the filing of a formal grievance, a student is encouraged to engage in informal discourse or negotiation privately with the faculty or staff member, or the immediate supervisor of the staff member or academic dean of the faculty member. If this avenue has been exhausted without providing a satisfactory conclusion, and the student desires to file a formal grievance against a faculty or staff member the formal process should be completed.

Formal Process:

  1. Address the concern directly with the person or office with whom you have a complaint. If you do not know which person or office is responsible, the Assistant Vice President can assist you with identification.
  2. After making every effort to resolve your complaint, please submit a Student Grievance & Complaint form which will be directed to the appropriate academic dean or supervisor. In this complaint, please explain the details of your situation, including the names of those involved. Please indicate the steps you have taken to remedy the situation yourself.
  3. The appropriate academic dean or supervisor will investigate the complaint, seek a resolution, and inform you of the outcome. The appropriate academic dean or supervisor should inform the student of receipt of the request within five working days. The conference itself should be held within fifteen working days of receipt of the written request from the student.
  4. If mutual satisfaction is not reached following this conference, either party may appeal in writing to the appropriate vice president or faculty grievance committee, whose decision will be final. All documentation should be forwarded to the vice president or faculty grievance committee.
  5. If the grievance is with an academic dean or staff supervisor, the student may appeal in writing directly to the appropriate vice president. If the grievance is with a vice president, the student may appeal in writing directly to the President of the college.
  6. Appeals must be made in writing to the college President within 10 calendar days of decision. The President’s decision in a formal grievance matter may be appealed to the Board of Regents in accordance with Section 4.7 of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents of the University of Georgia.

File a formal grievance

The office of the Assistant Vice President may also be a resource with whom you wish to discuss the complaint process.
Please note that the following are not classified as student grievances. Specific policies and procedures have been developed to deal with these concerns. The ultimate responsibility and authority for such concerns lie with the office listed next to the policy.

  • Student Grade Complaints unrelated to Academic Integrity Issues – Office of the Provost
  • Violations of the Code of Conduct – Office of the Assistant Vice President
  • Violations of the Policy on Sportsmanship – Athletics
  • Student Policy Issues – Office of the Assistant Vice President
  • Parking violations – Parking Services

Note: Public statements and publicity about the grievance should be avoided. The Complainant should not be harassed or penalized for utilizing the grievance procedures.

For additional information regarding appeals, review the Judicial Review Process.