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The Office of Planning, Assessment Accreditation and Research of Georgia Highlands College provides data and analysis necessary to support informed decision-making and the completion of a variety of reporting responsibilities internally and externally. When making a data request from the IESI Office, complete and submit the GHC Data Request Form.

GHC Data Request Form Right Arrow

Student Achievement Data

Frequently-requested information about demographics, enrollment, retention, and graduation at Georgia Highlands College.

Fact Books

Fact Books contain general information about the college, including its organizational structure, mission, and goals, as well as sections on student data, academic programs, credit hours, personnel data, academic success, distance learning, student affairs, athletics, information technology, finances, and facilities.


Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)


Institutional Review Board

USG by the Numbers

A searchable database is provided by the University System of Georgia (USG) to help interested parties find information about enrollment, retention, graduation rates, and degrees conferred at any USG institution or by sector.

Complete College Georgia Plan and Annual Updates

Georgia Highlands College participates in the Complete College Georgia (CCG) initiative within the University System of Georgia.  A wealth of information about student achievement initiatives at GHC appears in the annual updates, especially in the data appendix of each document from 2015 forward.