Admissions Requirements

Samantha Lewis earned an Honors Program Bachelor degree from GHC in 2022, and went on to earn a Master’s of Science degree from The University of West Georgia in 2024. “The Honors Program at Georgia Highlands College laid the groundwork for my success and my 4.0 GPA in graduate school,” Samantha said. Follow her success story and apply to the Honors Program today!
Admission Requirements
In order to complete Projects for Honors Credits, students must first be admitted to the Honors Program, contingent upon meeting the following criteria:
A. Completed application (web form, including a description of why you would be a good fit for Honors)
B. At least one of the following:
- Cumulative high school GPA of 3.5 or higher on a four-point scale OR
- Top 10% of high school graduating class OR
- Minimum SAT combined score of 1000 OR
- Minimum ACT composite score of 25 OR
- Institutional 3.5 GPA after the completion of 12 credit hours of college level coursework (1000 level or above) OR
- Evidence of outstanding leadership and/or community service
To maintain their status in the Honors Program, students must:
- Maintain a 3.25 GPA AND
- Earn a C or better in all HNRS, H-designated, or Honors option course
Conditional Acceptance
Students who do not meet the above criteria may still apply for Conditional Acceptance to the Honors Program. Students interested in applying for Conditional Acceptance to the Honors Program must submit
- A 500 word application essay, complete application, and
- 2 letters of recommendation from Georgia Highlands College faculty members in place of one other qualifying item.
Conditionally accepted students will be allowed to attempt one honors project for honors credit in a course, or to enroll in one honors course, but not both, during their first semester of participation. Regular limitations on acceptable courses for honors credit apply (see ‘Earning Honors Credit’ section). Upon completion of the first semester in the program, the Honors Advisory Council will review the student’s progress. Conditionally accepted students must earn a C or better in all coursework during the first semester of participation and must successfully complete the attempted honors project or honors course attempted during the first semester of participation. If a conditionally accepted student fails either of these requirements during the first semester of participation, they will be dismissed from the Honors Program.
Maintaining “Good Standing” in the Honors Program
If the student’s institutional GPA is below 3.25, the student will be given one probationary semester to raise the institutional GPA. During the probationary semester, students are allowed to enroll in a maximum of one H-designated and one HNRS course. If the student does not raise her/his GPA after the one probationary semester, s/he will no longer be allowed to take Honors courses and will be expelled from the Honors Program.
Students who are currently enrolled in Learning Support (LS) courses are not eligible to apply until after successful completion of all LS requirements. Students who are on academic warning, probation or suspension are not eligible to apply until after they have reached “good academic standing” with the college.
Students are considered in “good standing” with the Honors Program while they are enrolled at GHC and maintain a minimum 3.25 institutional GPA. Conditional acceptance, probation, inactive status, or dismissal override “good standing.”
Honors students are encouraged to enroll in an honors course or pursue honors projects for honors credit every semester, but an honors student need not do so in each semester to maintain “good standing.”
Inactive Status and Readmission
Students are considered in “good standing” with the Honors Program while they are enrolled at Georgia Highlands College and maintain a minimum 3.25 institutional GPA. Students that have not enrolled in at least one Georgia Highlands College course over the prior academic year (Fall-Spring-Summer) but were maintaining the minimum institutional GPA when last enrolled, will change from “good standing” to “inactive.” Students stay “inactive” indefinitely, until the student again completes the normal Honors Program admission process upon reenrolling at Georgia Highlands College and is readmitted into the Honors Program. While “inactive,” a student may not enroll in an honors course, pursue honors projects for honors credit, or qualify for any other benefits or rights granted to honors students in good standing, such as, but not limited to, priority registration.
Probation/Dismissal and Readmission
Students are considered in “good standing” with the Honors Program while they are enrolled at Georgia Highlands College and maintaining a minimum 3.25 institutional GPA. Students that fail to maintain the minimum institutional GPA will change from “good standing” to “probation” or “dismissed.”
Probation: If an honors student’s institutional GPA falls below 3.25, the student will be given one probationary semester to raise it back above 3.25. During the probationary semester, an honors student is allowed to attempt one honors project for honors credit in a standard course, or to enroll in one honors course, but not both. Successful completion of the honors project or honors course will earn the student honors credit as under the normal rules, but to exit probation the student must also raise institutional GPA above 3.25.
Dismissed: If an honors student’s institutional GPA does not rise above 3.25 after one probationary semester, or if the student fails to meet the requirements of their conditional acceptance into the Honors Program, that student shall be dismissed from the Honors Program. Students dismissed from the Honors Program may not enroll in honors courses or attempt any honors projects for honors credit in a standard course. Students dismissed from the Honors Program no longer qualify for an Honors Certificate or an Honors Diploma, or for any other benefits or rights granted to honors students in good standing, such as, but not limited to, priority registration. Students dismissed from the Honors Program may not reapply to the program.
For the most up to date rules governing the Honors Program at GHC, see the Policy and Procedure Manual online.