* indicates a workshop without a recording
Panel: Teaching Controversial Topic
- Facilitators: Josh Stovall (Social Sciences), Scott Akemon (Social Sciences), and Jonathan Howard (Health Sciences)
- Date: 10/15/20
- Tag: Pedagogy
Teaching controversial topics can be challenging, yet it is essential for fostering critical thinking and creating an open dialogue among your student. Learn how to create a respectful and inclusive environment where diverse perspectives can be shared and explored. Listen to our expert panel discuss the skills and strategies that they use when covering controversial subjects with their students. Bring your questions!
Panel: Humanizing Online Learning
- Facilitators: Susanna Smith (Library), Katie Baxter (Humanities), and Julia Reidy (Humanities)
- Date: 10/15/20
- Tag: Pedagogy
In the digital age, fostering meaningful connections in online learning environments is more important than ever. This panel is designed to help you create engaging, supportive, and human-centered online learning experiences. Learn how to build a sense of community, enhance student engagement, and support the well-being of your online students. Bring your questions!
ADA Title II Regulations
- Facilitators: Josie Baudier & Teresa Hutchins
- Date: 10/15/20
- Tag: Technology
Did you know that there has been an update to the ADA Title II regulations? In this webinar we will discuss the federal regulations guiding digital accessibility. These regulations involve institution-wide initiatives as well as requirements that will effect your D2L course material. Join us for this workshop to learn more about the updated regulations, the necessity for compliance to the new regulations by April 2026, and what this means for digital content that you create for your students.
Panel: Active Learning
- Facilitators: Michelle Abbott (English), Steve Stuglin (Communication), and Melanie Vincent (Library)
- Date: 02/15/25
- Tag: Pedagogy
Active learning in online and in-person classes allows students to be more involved in content processing. It provides an opportunity for students to practice concepts and reach a deeper understanding of course material. Participants in this panel will receive the newly created GHC Active Learning cards which provide numerous active learning techniques and ideas.
Panel: Teaching Information Literacy
- Facilitators: Emily Ransom, Dr. Charles Grimm, and Janine Johnson
- Date: 11/04/24
- Tag: Pedagogy
The USG's Core IMPACTS system identifies information literacy as a career competency to be taught in courses in the Mathematics, Humanities, and Writing areas of the core curriculum. What is information literacy? Why does it matter? How can we effectively teach it? Join Emily Ransom (Library), Dr. Charles Grimm (English), and Janine Johnson (Economics) as they share suggestions and strategies. Bring your questions!
Resources: Questions for PanelistsPedagogical Best Practices for Supporting Students with Accommodations
- Facilitators: Michelle Abbott, Tara Suswal, & Dr. Jayme Feagin
- Date: 10/24/24
- Tag: Pedagogy
How can you teach in ways that support your students with accommodations from Disability Access? Join your Tara Suswal (Mathematics), Michelle Abbott (English), and Jayme Feagin (History) as they share suggestions and strategies. Bring your questions!
Resources: Questions for PanelistsAccessibility Refresher
- Facilitators: Teresa Hutchins, Josie Baudier, Susanna Smith, & Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 10/10/24
- Tag: Technology
Date: October 10 | Time: 2:00-3:00 | ChargerFlex & Teams |
Do you know where to find accessibility checkers? Do you know how to remediate accessibility errors? Do you need a refresher on accessibility? Join us for a multi-campus simulcast from the Charger Flex Rooms on the Floyd, Cartersville, and Marietta campuses.Panel: Doing RSI Without Burning Out
- Facilitators: Shanika Wright Turner, Teresa Hutchins, & Danielle Swanson
- Date: 10/09/24
- Tag: Pedagogy
How can you engage in regular substantive interaction with students in your online courses without burning out? Join Shanika Wright Turner (Business), Teresa Hutchins (Political Science), and Danielle Swanson (English) as they share suggestions and strategies. Bring your questions!
Resources: Questions for Panelists | Resources: GHC's RSI Overview PagePanel: Teaching Time Management
- Facilitators: Dr. Bronson Long, Laura Ralston, & Mauro Bisiacchi
- Date: 09/25/24
- Tag: Pedagogy
The USG Core IMPACTS system identifies time management as a career competency to be taught in courses in the Institution area of the core curriculum. Experience proves it also to be an essential skill in all other courses. Mauro Bisiacchi, Dr. Bronson Long, and Laura Ralston explain how they teach students time management. Bring questions!
Resources: Questions for PanelistsStudent Feedback
- Facilitators: Teresa Hutchins
- Date: 08/28/24
- Tag: Pedagogy
We always think of course evaluations as the way to get feedback from our students. Course evaluations only come at the end of the semester. Did you know you should be asking for student feedback throughout the entire course? Join us as we go beyond course evaluations to talk about student feedback and the ways in which you can get that input from students throughout the entire semester.
Classroom Engagement
- Facilitators: Teresa Hutchins
- Date: 08/22/24
- Tag: Pedagogy
Join us for a discussion about classroom engagement. Whether face-to-face or online, hear from your colleagues about the activities and techniques they use to engage with students while chiming in with your own techniques. Bring your ideas and get ready to enhance the learning experience for your students.
How Rubrics Can Save You
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 05/28/24
- Tag: Pedagogy
Join us for one hour to learn how to make powerful rubrics that will save you time, blood, sweat, and tears. You'll learn how to:
- Use AI to create clear rubrics aligned to your course objectives
- Make analytic, holistic, range, and one-point rubrics in D2L
- Evaluate D2L discussions and assignments with rubrics
How to use Teams
- Facilitators: Teresa Hutchins, Xavier White, & Andrea Mathis
- Date: 04/09/24
- Tag: Technology
GHC's Zoom contract will end on 6/30/24. Microsoft Teams will be used instead. Join us to learn how to use Teams, including how to schedule a meeting, use the chat, share your screen, record, access and share recordings, use breakout rooms, and more. Bring your questions for CETL and IT! (Workshop also on 2/15 & 3/13.)
Research Workouts: Research Log Lifts
- Facilitators: Susanna Smith & Jessica Osborne
- Date: 03/25/24
- Tag: Pedagogy
Build up those critical thinking muscles by having students create a narrative research log.
Talking Teaching: Quizizz for Engagement and Retention
- Facilitators: Christina Talley
- Date: 03/15/24
- Tag: Pedagogy
At this month's Talking Teaching gathering, Christina Talley will lead a discussion about how to use Quizizz (a platform in which you can create and customize quizzes, activities, lessons, and homework) to help increase students' retention and engagement.
Panel: Teaching Critical Thinking in Core Courses
- Facilitators: Dr. Jayme Feagin, Dr. Steve Stuglin, & Julia Reidy
- Date: 03/06/24
- Tag: Pedagogy
The USG's new Core IMPACTS system identifies critical thinking as a career competency to be taught in core courses in the Institution, Citizenship, and Writing areas. Join Dr. Jayme Feagin (History), Julia Reidy (English), and Dr. Steve Stuglin (Communication) as they explain how they teach critical thinking in core courses. Bring your questions!
Resources: Questions for PanelistsPanel: Teaching Students How to Learn
- Facilitators: Sandra Anderson, Frank Minor, & Bethany Blevins
- Date: 02/19/24
- Tag: Pedagogy
How can you teach students how to learn? How can you help them along the way as they learn how to learn? Join Sandra Anderson (Statistics), Frank Minor (English), and Bethany Blevins (Nursing) as they explain how they teach students how to learn. Bring your questions!
Resources: Questions for PanelistsEnhancing Equity: Implementing Inclusive Assessment Methods
- Facilitators: Banhi Nandi
- Date: 02/16/24
- Tag: Pedagogy
At this month's Talking Teaching gathering, Banhi Nandi will lead a discussion about fair and unbiased grading practices and alternative assessment methods that accommodate different learning styles and preferences.
Who Are Our Students?
- Facilitators: AJ Thomas, Josie Baudier, & Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 01/30/24
- Tag: Pedagogy
Who are GHC students? Join us for an overview from IESI of GHC student demographic data and guidance from CETL on what the data means for how to teach well at GHC.
Resources: Slide DeckResearch Workouts: Research Freestyle
- Facilitators: Susanna Smith & Jessica Osborne
- Date: 01/29/24
- Tag: Pedagogy
Dive into research as we explore the thrill of adding the rigor of research components to your class.
ChatGPT Goes to College FLC Panel
- Facilitators: ChatGPT Goes to College FLC & Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 12/08/23
- Tag: Pedagogy
Join us for 3-5 minute cameos by the members of the ChatGPT Goes to College FLC in which they explain what they’ve learned so far in their exploration of questions such as: What is generative AI? What does it mean for how you teach? What does it mean for how and what your students should learn?
- Rachel Wall: Academic Entitlement & Cognitive Misering
- Ryan O’Connor: How AI Can Help you Teach
- Ericka Walczak: How I Have used AI in my course
- Brandy Rogers: Using Generative AI to Improve a Lab Report
- Betsy Fleming: Large Language Models as tools for research
- Randy Green: The Curse of Knowledge and AI in the World of Criminal Justice
- Mary Wilson: AI and the Transformation of Psychology
- Shea Walker: Using AI as a Motivator for Change
- Jessica Osborne: The Impact of Institutional Culture on Student Disengagement
Simple Syllabus at GHC (12/7/23)
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 12/07/23
- Tag: Pedagogy
In Spring 2024 all GHC faculty will use Simple Syllabus to create their syllabi. Join us to explore how to do so, GHC syllabus policy guidelines, and learner-centered syllabus language.
Templates are your Friends
- Facilitators: Teresa Hutchins & Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 11/15/23
- Tag: Pedagogy
Would you love to have a template help streamline your online course and assure quality and accessibility? Join us to explore the USG's Online Course Design Template. All registrants will be given access to the templates so they can apply to their own online courses.
Resources: D2L HTML Templates | Resources: D2L HTML Template GuideSimple Syllabus at GHC (11/14/23)
- Facilitators: Josie Baudier
- Date: 11/14/23
- Tag: Pedagogy
In Spring 2024 all GHC faculty will use Simple Syllabus to create their syllabi. Join us to explore how to do so, GHC syllabus policy guidelines, and learner-centered syllabus language.
Panel: Effective Online Teaching
- Facilitators: Cindy Wheeler, Dr. Steve Blankenship, & Annette Maddox
- Date: 10/25/23
- Tag: Pedagogy
How can you teach online effectively? Join panelists Annette Maddox (Accounting), Steve Blankenship (History), and Cindy Wheeler (English) to discuss what works, what doesn't, and how to make the most of your time while teaching online. Bring your questions!
Resources: Questions for PanelistsUngrading: Resisting Striation and Promoting Metacognition
- Facilitators: Dr. Charles Grimm
- Date: 10/24/23
- Tag: Pedagogy
What is the motivation behind the Ungrading movement? How is ungrading practiced in the classroom? Registrants will receive readings which address these questions and encourage self-reflection on your own grading philosophy two weeks before the Zoom meeting. The synchronous meeting will be spent mostly reviewing ideas of how to implement ungrading practices into upcoming courses across levels and pathways.
- How to Ungrade - Jesse Stommel
- A Grade-Less Writing Course that Focuses on Labor and Assessing - Asao Inoue
- Some Thoughts on Moving to Labor-Based Grading Contracts - Kevin Gannon
- Why I Won't Just Give You the Answer - Megan Von Bergen
Expert Panel: To Flex or Not to Flex: Missed Assignments, Late Work Policies, and Absenteeism
- Facilitators: Dr. Maurice Wilson, Dr. Shea Walker, & Dr. Jed Gillespie
- Date: 10/19/23
- Tag: Pedagogy
Maurice Wilson (Mathematics), Jed Gillespie (Accounting), and Shea Walker (Nursing) explain how they determine how flexible to be with GHC students in their courses. Bring your questions!
Resources: Questions for PanelistsSimple Syllabus at GHC (10/18/23)
- Facilitators: Larissa Mireles
- Date: 10/18/23
- Tag: Pedagogy
In Spring 2024 all GHC faculty will use Simple Syllabus to create their syllabi. Join us to explore how to do so!
Panel: Fostering Motivation: How to Get 'Em to Care
- Facilitators: Annette Maddox, Rick Bombard, & Dr. Elizabeth Dose
- Date: 09/26/23
- Tag: Pedagogy
Annette Maddox (Accounting), Rick Bombard (English), and Elizabeth Dose (Psychology) explain how they motivate GHC students in their courses. Bring your questions!
Resources: Questions for PanelistsGrading Series: Specifications Grading
- Facilitators: Michelle Abbott
- Date: 09/21/23
- Tag: Pedagogy
Specifications (Specs) grading communicates high expectations, minimizes adversarial student-instructor grading relationships, and gives you more time to focus on individualized, meaningful feedback. The workshop recording provides an overview and explains how some GHC students have responded. Professor Abbott also recorded a supplementary deep dive into setting up the D2L gradebook for Specs Grading.
Resources: Slide Deck | Resources: Specifications Grading Formulas for D2LPanel: Facilitating Great Discussions
- Facilitators: Marta Sanderson, Dr. Ryan O'Connor, & Jacob Sullins
- Date: 09/14/23
- Tag: Pedagogy
Marta Sanderson (Nursing), Ryan O'Connor (Chemistry), and Jacob Sullins (English) explain how they facilitate great face-to-face and online discussions. Bring your questions!
Resources: Questions for PanelistsD2L Quiz Timing Update Webinar
- Facilitators: Josie Baudier & Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 07/11/23
- Tag: Pedagogy
- Automatic quiz submission when allotted time is exceeded
- Pop-up messages show time remaining in quiz
- Quiz information viewable while taking quiz
- Customized quiz results page after quiz submission
- Synchronous option for quizzes
HIPs Planning & Proposals
- Facilitators: Josie Baudier & Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 02/08/23
- Tag: Pedagogy
What is Regular, Substantive Interaction?
- Facilitators: Josie Baudier
- Date: 02/02/23
- Tag: Pedagogy
What is "regular, substantive interaction"? Why does it matter to you? Join us for an interactive discussion of the Department of Education's new definition of distance education, including:
- What makes interaction substantive?
- How much interaction is required?
- Do office hours count? How about automated feedback?
- What is direct instruction?
*Strategies for Managing Burnout
- Facilitators: Jessica Wright
- Date: 01/31/23
- Tag: Pedagogy
Many of us wear multiple hats in our professional and personal lives which can sometimes cause us to experience physical and emotional symptoms that are related specifically to burnout! Join us to discuss strategies for managing burnout with a trained GHC counselor. Bring your questions, concerns, and quandaries for an open Q&A period. This event is targeted at GHC staff but is open to all GHC employees.
Resources: Slide DeckWhat is regular, substantive interaction?
- Facilitators: Josie Baudier & Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 01/11/23
- Tag: Pedagogy
What is "regular, substantive interaction"? Why does it matter to you? Join us for an interactive discussion of the Department of Education's new definition of distance education, including:
- What makes interaction substantive?
- How much interaction is required?
- Do office hours count? How about automated feedback?
- What is direct instruction?
Engaging Online Students
- Facilitators: Sandra Anderson, Amy Gandolfi, Billy Morris, & Ejiroghene Ogaga
- Date: 01/04/23
- Tag: Pedagogy
More students attend GHC online than ever before, but engaging them can be challenging. Join us to discuss with experienced GHC faculty how they meaningfully and effectively engage their online students. Bring your questions, concerns, and quandaries for an open Q&A period.
Perusall, New and Improved
- Facilitators: Susanna Smith and Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 12/08/22
- Tag: Pedagogy
Perusall is a social annotation tool with a proven record of engaging students in reading assignments. This December, GHC will update its D2L Perusall integration. Join us for a walk-through Perusall's new features, including improved grade passback, simpler scoring options, automatic roster sync, quizzes, and more. We will also demonstrate how to create an assignment in D2L and conclude with an interactive Q&A period.
Your Students' Work Deserves to be Shared
- Facilitators: Rachel Wall & Betsy Fleming
- Date: 12/01/22
- Tag: Pedagogy
Come learn how to set your students up for success at the 2023 Academic Showcase. Learn about assignment descriptions, grade allocations, logistics, printing posters through the GHC library, and lessons learned from faculty about last year’s showcase. Not sure where to begin? Come be inspired. Have an idea? Come let your colleagues help you make it a reality. A recording with be shared with registered participants.
Resources: Slide DeckHIPs Planning & Proposals
- Facilitators: Josie Baudier & Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 11/07/22
- Tag: Pedagogy
Are you already teaching a High Impact Practice (HIP) course and want to know what’s next? Do you want to learn more about HIP courses in general? Are you ready to propose a course for HIP designation in Banner? Join us for a webinar about HIPs. We will discuss teaching High Impact Practices (HIPs) courses, assessing the course for the elements of a HIP, how to move the needle on existing courses, and how to propose a HIP course to your Dean.
Resources: Slide DeckDesigning Great Research Assignments
- Facilitators: Susanna Smith & Melanie Vincent
- Date: 09/19/22
- Tag: Pedagogy
Do your students struggle with research assignments? Have you ever found yourself thinking, “There’s got to be a better way to do this”? Fortunately, there is! In this workshop, we will offer evidence-based best practices for designing engaging research assignments that develop critical thinking skills as well as practical suggestions for integrating library and web resources.
Resources: Slide DeckOkanagan Charter
- Facilitators: Althea Moser
- Date: 09/15/22
- Tag: Pedagogy
The Okanagan Charter: An International Charter for Health Promoting Universities & Colleges, provides a framework for tertiary institutions to embed health into all facets of campus culture. Come and learn about the Charter, and how you can apply it to make a difference to health and wellness at GHC.
How to Use Perusall in D2L
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht, Susanna Smith, & Greg Smith
- Date: 03/25/22
- Tag: Pedagogy
Perusall is a free social annotation tool with a proven record of engaging students in reading assignments. Join us for a walk-through of how students experience Perusall in D2L, how to integrate Perusall in your course in D2L, and an interactive Q&A period. A recording with be shared with registered participants.
Copyright for Fun and (Non-)Profit
- Facilitators: Susanna Smith
- Date: 02/21/22
- Tag: Pedagogy
Cheesy memes are a great way to get someone’s attention, but did you know copyright applies to all areas of higher education, not just the classroom? This session will cover the basics of copyright and how to apply fair use when creating all kinds of marketing and social media content. We will also discuss best practices concerning materials with a Creative Common license, and how to know if you can use something without permission or actually need to cite it.
Resources: Slide Deck*Creative Assignments
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 10/13/21
- Tag: Pedagogy
Tired of the traditional essay and exam? Why not change things up a bit? We will introduce and explain a variety of creative assignments which can be adapted to various course contexts to facilitate memorable learning experiences and meaningful assessment. Workshop participants will identify strategies & resources for developing creative assignments and design a creative assignment to implement in their classes.
Resources: Slide Deck*Engaging Lectures for Effective Learning
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 09/24/21
- Tag: Pedagogy
Are you preparing to give a lecture, for the first or the fiftieth time? Wondering how you can engage your students during a lecture? This session will get you ready to develop effective, engaging, and interactive lectures, from preparation to delivery.
Resources: Slide Deck*Inclusive Teaching
- Facilitators: Josie Baudier
- Date: 09/08/21
- Tag: Pedagogy
Improve your classroom climate by including inclusive teaching strategies in your courses. In this webinar, we will discuss research-based practices and how to incorporate these strategies into courses of any modality. We will explore the syllabus, course design and content, interactions, and resources.
Resources: Slide DeckActive Learning in Synchronous Classes
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 08/27/21
- Tag: Pedagogy
Join us for an interactive exploration of a variety of active learning strategies for synchronous face-to-face and online classes. This workshop will include time to plan how to implement alternative active-learning strategies in your classes.
Resources: Slide DeckIntroduction to Perusall
- Facilitators: Susanna Smith & Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 07/29/21
- Tag: Technology
Perusall is a social annotation tool with a proven record of engaging students in reading assignments. Join us for an introduction plus some tips and tricks on getting started!
Resources: Slide DeckAccessibility: Media
- Facilitators: Susanna Smith
- Date: 03/30/21
- Tag: Pedagogy
This is the fourth of CETL’s four-part Accessibility workshop series, in which we explain standards and strategies for making course content accessible to all students. Part 4 will cover creating accessible images and video, formatting textual and visual content appropriately, and using web accessibility checkers.
Resources: Slide DeckAccessibility: Documents
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 03/17/21
- Tag: Pedagogy
This is the third of CETL’s four-part Accessibility workshop series, in which we explain standards and strategies for making course content accessible to all students. In this workshop you will learn what it means for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF documents to be accessible, and how to make them so.
Resources: Slide Deck*Faculty and Staff: Recognizing the Need for Self-Care
- Facilitators: Angie Wheelus & Josie Baudier
- Date: 03/08/21
- Tag: Pedagogy
With such a tumultuous last year, many students are trying to work through stressors. In the meantime, you are also dealing with stressful and emotional situations. Join us to learn more about why you may have difficulty recalling information and staying focused on goals. We will also explore ways to avoid burnout, as well as identify strategies and resources to assist with self-care.
Resources: Slide Deck*Effective Use of Zoom Breakout Rooms
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 02/26/21
- Tag: Technology
Join us for an interactive exploration of pedagogical best practices for Zoom breakout rooms. In this workshop, you will learn how to create and manage Zoom breakout rooms, try out possible group activities, and plan how to use breakout rooms in your classes.
Resources: Slide Deck*Accessibility: Regulations & D2L Support
- Facilitators: Josie Baudier
- Date: 02/22/21
- Tag: Pedagogy
This is the second of CETL’s four-part Accessibility workshop series, in which we explain standards and strategies for making course content accessible to all students. In this initial workshop of the series, we will examine the regulations regarding ADA, 504, & 508. In addition, we will explore the D2L accessibility checker and how it can be used in your courses.
Resources: Slide DeckActive Learning
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 02/18/21
- Tag: Pedagogy
Teaching in the time of COVID brings a slew of challenges, not least of which is the unfeasibility of many of our tried-and-true methods for engaging students in active learning. Join us for an interactive exploration of a variety of alternative active learning strategies for synchronous and asynchronous online and physically-distanced face-to-face classes. This workshop will include time to plan how to implement alternative active-learning strategies in your classes.
Resources: Slide DeckMindset, Motivation, & Metacognition
- Facilitators: Josie Baudier & Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 02/16/21
- Tag: Pedagogy
The 3 M’s—mindset, motivation, and metacognition—all affect student learning and success in the classroom. In this workshop, we will examine Dweck’s (2007) research on growth mindset as well as Canning et al.'s (2019) work on instructor mindsets. Motivation and metacognition are partnered with student mindset in several ways. In this workshop, we will explore ways to infuse metacognitive strategies in coursework.
Resources: Slide DeckAssessing Learning with Creative Assignments
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 02/12/21
- Tag: Pedagogy
Tired of the traditional essay and exam? Why not change things up a bit? We will introduce and explain a variety of creative assignments which can be adapted to various course contexts to facilitate memorable learning experiences and meaningful assessment. Workshop participants will identify strategies & resources for developing creative assignments and design a creative assignment to implement in their classes.
Resources: Slide Deck*Accessibility: Faculty Accommodation FAQs
- Facilitators: Kim Linek
- Date: 02/04/21
- Tag: Pedagogy
This is the first of CETL’s four-part Accessibility workshop series, in which we explain accommodations, standards, and strategies for making course content accessible to all students. In this initial workshop of the series, we will discuss accommodations and answer faculty FAQs, like: What do I do with a FAN? How does testing work? Can I decide who receives accommodations? What are Covid accommodations? And more!
Resources: Slide DeckGrade Smarter (rather than harder)
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 02/03/21
- Tag: Pedagogy
This is the third in CETL’s new three-part “Rather Than” workshop series, in which we hone in on important yet challenging aspects of teaching. This time, we consider how to evaluate student performance. In this workshop you will identify your preferred grading framework and learn best practices for creating grading criteria and rubrics, how to create analytic and holistic D2L rubrics, and strategies to maximize your grading efficiency.
Resources: Slide DeckTest what you Teach (rather than teach to the test)
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 01/26/21
- Tag: Pedagogy
This is the second in CETL’s new three-part “Rather Than” workshop series, in which we hone in on important yet challenging aspects of teaching. This time, we consider how to design assignments that effectively facilitate and assess student learning. In this workshop you will learn the characteristics of effective assessments, common pitfalls in assessment design, and how to design assessments that help students learn and evaluate whether they have done so.
Resources: Slide DeckTeach Students (rather than content)
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 01/21/21
- Tag: Pedagogy
This is the first in CETL’s new three-part “Rather Than” workshop series, in which we hone in on important yet challenging aspects of teaching. This time, we consider how to make our courses—especially those we have taught many times—student-centered. In this workshop you will learn what it means to make a course student-centered, why doing so matters, and how to do so.
Resources: Slide DeckD2L Gradebook Q&A
- Facilitators: Jeff Linek and Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 01/06/21
- Tag: Technology
Start the year off right by getting expert answers to all of your D2L Gradebook questions before the semester begins. After addressing some common questions, Jeff Linek, GHC’s Director of eLearning and D2L guru, will be available to answer your questions live.
Resources: Slide DeckCourse Design & Facilitation
- Facilitators: Josie Baudier and Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 01/05/21
- Tag: Pedagogy
With the start of the semester, faculty are working diligently to create learner-centered courses and learning materials. Join us for this workshop to discuss course design and facilitation. We will explore the principles of learner-centered syllabus writing and course design. We will dedicate some time to explore facilitating the course as well. All teaching practices will include discussions of all modalities (online, hybrid, and f2f).
Resources: Slide Deck | Resources: HandoutD2L - Level 3
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 10/28/20
- Tag: Technology
In this hands-on workshop, we will show you how to use D2L templates to format pages, design a custom homepage using widgets, use D2L rubrics, align your assessments and content by integrating objectives, and create effective quizzes using the question library. This workshop is for those who want to take full advantage of all that D2L has to offer.
Resources: Slide DeckBuilding Accessible Course Materials
- Facilitators: Josie Baudier
- Date: 10/20/20
- Tag: Pedagogy
Providing accessible course materials is one way to support our students. Every class needs to be designed to meet the needs of all students. This workshop will explain how to create accessible documents and videos. This is relevant in the current education climate because of the demand for online and hybrid learning.
Resources: Slide DeckCreating Community with Online Discussions
- Facilitators: Josie Baudier and Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 10/12/20
- Tag: Pedagogy
Using the text-based discussion boards is one way to create community in an online asynchronous class. Join us for this workshop to discuss writing effective prompts, communicating expectations, and facilitation strategies to improve discussion board communication.
Resources: Slide DeckD2L - Level 2
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 10/08/20
- Tag: Technology
In this hands-on workshop, we will show you how to use D2L discussions, assignments, organize the gradebook, and connect gradebook items to assessments. This workshop is for those who are ready to take the next step of integrating D2L more fully into your course work.
Resources: Slide DeckUsing Intelligent Agents in D2L: A Presentation on How to Make Your Class More Personable Using a Robot
- Facilitators: Lisa Jellum
- Date: 09/30/20
- Tag: Technology
Using intelligent agents (IA) seems daunting, but once in use, Intelligent Agents can assist instructors, administrators, and students by providing an automated notification when defined activity occurs in a course or when there is a lack of login or course entry. They can also be used to address students with their names which can give instructors a level of personalization that an online course may be missing. This presentation will help instructors develop and implement IA in their course.
Resources: Slide DeckAssessing Learning with Creative Assignments
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht and Josie Baudier
- Date: 09/28/20
- Tag: Pedagogy
Tired of the traditional essay and exam? Why not change things up a bit? We will introduce and explain a variety of creative assignments which can be adapted to various course contexts to facilitate memorable learning experiences and meaningful assessment. Workshop participants will identify strategies & resources for developing creative assignments and design a creative assignment to implement in their classes.
Resources: Slide DeckEffective Use of Zoom Breakout Rooms
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 09/22/20
- Tag: Technology
Join us for an interactive exploration of pedagogical best practices for Zoom breakout rooms. In this workshop, you will learn how to create and manage Zoom breakout rooms, try out possible group activities, and plan how to use breakout rooms in your classes.
Resources: Slide DeckEngaging Students with Educational Technologies
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 09/18/20
- Tag: Technology
Students learn better when they are engaged in course content, but engaging them can be challenging. Educational technologies can help! Join us for an experiential overview of Flipgrid, Padlet,, and Edpuzzle. Interested in particular functionality of one of these tools? Looking for a different tool to fill a particular need for a course? Leave a comment below and we might just be able to find something that fits the bill.
Resources: Slide DeckActive Learning While Physical Distancing
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 09/11/20
- Tag: Pedagogy
Teaching in the time of COVID brings a slew of challenges, not least of which is the unfeasibility of many of our tried-and-true methods for engaging students in active learning. Join us for an interactive exploration of a variety of alternative active learning strategies for synchronous and asynchronous online classes and physically-distanced face-to-face classes. This workshop will include time to plan how to implement alternative active-learning strategies in your classes.
Resources: Slide DeckD2L - Level 1
- Facilitators: Rachel Rupprecht
- Date: 09/04/20
- Tag: Technology
In this hands-on workshop, you will explore specific D2L tools such as announcements, D2L email, uploading documents, module organization, and basic gradebook functions (setup, manage grades, manual entry). If you are a beginning user to D2L, please join us to learn how to connect with your students through D2L.
Resources: Slide DeckHumanizing Online Learning
- Facilitators: Jesse Bishop
- Date: 07/23/20
- Tag: Pedagogy
This session/workshop will present faculty and faculty developers with concepts, skills, and strategies to humanize the online learning environment, from overarching approaches to targeted, micro-level approaches. Participants will be able to recall key concepts and be provided opportunities to discuss how they might use strategies in their courses to humanize and personalize learning experiences.
Resources: Slide DeckTiLTing Online Assignments
- Facilitators: Julie Kozee and Jeff Kozee
- Date: 07/22/20
- Tag: Pedagogy
Learn how transparent assignment design in the online learning environment can benefit students and faculty alike. Attendees will leave with an understanding of Mary-Ann Winkelmes’ Transparency framework and have an opportunity to TiLT one of their own assignments.
Resources: Transparent Assignment TemplateD2L Pulse App
- Facilitators: Jason Christian
- Date: 07/15/20
- Tag: Technology
Pulse App is a new way to access D2L courses on mobile devices. We will go through the App and show the differences between it and the main web-based D2L platform.
Online Course Design and Course Planning
- Facilitators: Josie Baudier
- Date: 06/18/20
- Tag: Pedagogy
Are you unsure of how to start planning your courses for Fall 2020? Have you wondered if you are designing your online course in the best way possible? Regardless of the delivery modality you use to facilitate courses, you will need to establish and implement a course design plan. In this webinar, we will explore course design principles, including organization, engagement, alignment, and learner support. If you are new to online teaching or new to online course design, please join me for this interactive webinar where we will explore how to purposefully plan your course.
Resources: Slide DeckAPA 7th Edition: What's New?
- Facilitators: Marla Means, Susanna Smith, and Melanie Vincent
- Date: 02/11/20
- Tag: Pedagogy
Join three GHC librarians as they share information about the new APA 7th edition, and how it differs from the current 6th edition. The librarians will talk about citations, formatting and language guidelines, the new student paper option, plus a lot more!
Resources: Slide DeckCopyright for Fun and (Non)Profit!
- Facilitators: Susanna Smith
- Date: 10/14/19
- Tag: Pedagogy
Copyright can be a confusing and challenging problem when dealing with classroom materials, especially online. This webinar will introduce you to some basic guidelines about educational fair use and how to apply those guidelines in your courses. After a brief introduction to fair use and the TEACH Act, we will address some of your specific questions.
Resources: Copyright Resources: Links & Documents