
Claims for mileage must be supported by maps from Google maps or Mapquest.

Intercampus Mileage Grid replaces map printouts and it should be used for trips that are strictly from one GHC campus to another.

Commute mileage (main campus to home) deduction should be considered when the employee travels from home and/or back to home. No commute mileage deduction is needed for travel on weekends, holidays, or outside of normal work schedule (Additional information must be provided).

Intercampus Mileage Log is used to record multiple trips.

All college vehicles and anyone who travels on college business in a personal vehicle or rental vehicle should have a copy of the Liability Insurance Identification Card

When traveling for work related activities, please consider the following approach:

For trips that are 200 miles or less round trip, you may drive your personally owned vehicle and be reimbursed at tier 1 mileage rate.

For trips over 200 miles round trip, you must use the DOAS cost comparison tool to determine the most cost effective way to travel.

  • If the most cost effective way to travel is via your Personally Owned Vehicle, all business miles driven will be reimbursed at tier 1 rates. You MUST print the comparison results page and include it with your expense report to receive Tier 1 mileage reimbursement.
  • If the most cost effective way to travel is rental car, AND you choose to drive your own vehicle, all business miles will be reimbursed at the Tier 2 rate.
  • If you choose to rent a vehicle, use our Enterprise State Contract link.

See Business Procedures Manual (Section 4) for complete mileage reimbursement guidelines.

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