Financial Aid Bookstore Dates and Policy

After registering for classes for the current term, it’s important to review your Schedule/Bill to see awarded Financial Aid and billed tuition and fees. The Schedule/Bill is the only place where you will be able to view all financial activity on one page. If you have available awarded Financial Aid remaining after tuition and fees are billed, you are eligible to charge approved books and supplies to your Student Account in the GHC Bookstore during the dates listed below for the upcoming semester. You can use your financial aid towards the purchase of course related supplies (ex. books, computers, writing instruments, etc.). You can not use your financial aid towards the purchase of gift cards, apparel & accessories, gifts & collectibles, or selected technology.

Summer 2025
Opens Closes
May 5, 2025 May 29, 2025

Outstanding Balances

If your Financial Aid is reduced, retracted, or does not cover the amount charged in the bookstore, you are responsible for paying the balance of your Student Account immediately. Students with outstanding balances risk having their schedule deleted as well as being sent to collections.