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Leadership reCHARGER – 2024

Essential Skills for Leading Yourself and Others.

Join your GHC colleagues this summer for the “Leadership reCHARGER: Essential Skills for Leading Yourself and Others” retreat. Our goal is for you to walk away from the day recharged and excited to lead!

When and Where


Thursday, June 27, 2024

9:00am -4:00pm

Cartersville Site

Student Center


Traci Stormie

Traci Stormie

Assistant Vice Chancellor, Leadership and Institutional Development

Traci Stromie is the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Leadership and Institutional Development at the University System of Georgia. Her coaching and professional development offerings focus on leadership development, flourishing (doing well and being well), productivity, building community, emotional intelligence, and motivation.

Traci is an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation, earned her Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology from Georgia State University, and a Bachelor of Science in Social Science Education from the University of Georgia. Prior to joining the System Office, Traci served as a Faculty Developer, Faculty Success Coach, and Senior Instructional Designer at the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) at Kennesaw State University.


8:30 am - Light Refreshments

Light refreshments will be provided

9:00 am - 12:00 noon: Emergenetics

The morning session will be focused on Emergenetics (pdf), an assessment that provides insights into how people think and behave. You will learn about your thinking and behavioral preferences and identify how you can leverage this information to engage more effectively with others.

12:00 Noon - Lunch

Lunch will be provided

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm: Leadership essentials

The afternoon session will center around leadership essentials. We will explore research and strategies around leading (as well as managing), communicating clearly, delegating, and encouraging team members.

For any questions concerning the event please email Human Resources or call us at 706-802-5136.