Satisfactory Academic Progress

  • Maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher
  • Complete 67% of courses attempted
  • Complete program of study within 150% timeframe

Students must meet all of the above requirements to maintain SAP and remain eligible for financial aid.

What is SAP?

Federal regulations require institutions to utilize Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). To remain eligible for Federal Student Aid, students must maintain successful progress toward the completion of their degree program when receiving federal funds. Federal regulations mandate that institutions establish, publish and apply SAP standards that monitor student progress towards the completion of their degree program.  Students who fail to meet these standards will be placed on Financial Aid Warning after the first semester and Financial Aid Suspension after the next semester.

When is SAP checked?

Satisfactory Academic Progress is evaluated at the end of each semester after grades are submitted.  Students must meet all three of the required components of SAP at that time to avoid being placed on either Financial Aid Warning or Financial Aid Suspension.

SAP Measures

  1. GPA: A student must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA in order to meet SAP.  The cumulative GPA (grade point average) includes all classes taken at GHC (including Learning Support classes) and any transfer credits accepted from other colleges if applicable (all attempts at a class will be counted).
  2. Completion Rate: Students must complete at least 67% of all courses attempted.   The Completion Rate is derived from dividing the total number of credit hours where a grade was earned (hours successfully completed) by the total number of credit hours attempted (hours not successfully completed).

    Hours Successfully Completed

    • Grades of A, B, C, D
    • S (Satisfactory)
    • K (Credit)
    • IC (Institutional Credit)

    Hours Not Completed

    • F (Failing)
    • I (Incomplete)
    • W (Withdrawal)
    • U (Unsatisfactory)
    • V (Audit Class)
    • WF (Withdraw Failing)
    • IP (In Progress-used in ongoing Learning Support Classes)

  3. Maximum Timeframe: Students can receive financial aid (if eligible) up to 150% of the total program hours published for degree program (see below). This includes credit hours for all classes taken at GHC (including Learning Support classes) and any transfer credits accepted from other colleges if applicable (all attempts at a class will be counted).

What’s My SAP Status?

To find out what your SAP status is:

  1. Log into your Charger Portal
  2. In the Financial Aid section, click on the Financial Aid link.
  3. Select the appropriate aid year (encompasses fall, spring, and summer).
  4. Click on the Offers link.

SAP statuses are updated on this link at the end of every semester after grades are submitted for all classes.

Remember that in order to continue receiving financial aid, you will be required to meet all three components of SAP at the end of each semester after grades are submitted!

Financial Aid Warning

The very first time you do not meet any one of the three components of SAP, you will be placed on Financial Aid Warning.  Then you will have one additional semester to receive financial aid and return to good standing by meeting all three components of SAP.

Financial Aid Suspension

The second time you do not meet any one of the three components of SAP, you will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension.  If you are placed on Financial Aid Suspension, you are not eligible for any Federal or State financial aid until you are once again meeting all three components of SAP.

SAP Appeals

If you are placed on Financial Aid Suspension, you may be eligible to file a SAP Appeal.  SAP Appeals must have documentation of extenuating circumstances beyond your control that contributed to your inability to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress. Details and documentation must be provided along with the electronic appeal form. The SAP Appeal Committee will only review and render a decision on COMPLETE Appeals where all relevant documentation has been provided.

Committee decisions are based on appeal statements and all evidence that is provided when making a final ruling.

While it may be possible for you to file an appeal more than once throughout the course of your educational journey with Georgia Highlands College, each instance must contain new and compelling evidence (information and/or documentation not previously submitted) and with new documents to support your case.

Log onto to request a SAP Appeal if you think you may have extenuating circumstances to qualify.

The system will add a SAP Appeal link and once it appears, you can input an electronic written statement explaining your circumstances.  You will also need to upload any supporting documentation electronically (appeals will not be reviewed without supporting documentation).  

Approved SAP Appeal – Academic Success Plan

If you have a SAP Appeal approved, you are placed on an Academic Success Plan. Appeal approved status will require you to meet all the terms and conditions set forth in your Academic Success Plan.

  • Terms and conditions set forth are unique to the student and their circumstances.
  • Meeting the terms and conditions set forth will be required if you want to maintain Approved Appeal Status so that you can continue to receive financial aid.
  • If you fail to adhere to the terms set forth, you will be placed back on Financial Aid Suspension and the appeal will be revoked.
  • If an appeal is revoked or if an appeal is not approved, you would be looking at attending classes on your own without the benefit of financial aid.  Once you’re meeting all three components of SAP again, financial aid will be reinstated if you meet all eligibility requirements to receive it.