Spring 25 Semester Schedule
CETL Faculty Development Spring 2025
Click on event titles to register. Part-Time Instructors are invited to all events.
Chronological Schedule of Events
Strong Start: Relentless Welcome
Asynchronous - 2025 Spring Semester
Relentless Welcome is about the intentional and en masse creation of learning environments in which students feel seen, heard, supported, and cared for. When we do this for our students, their energy and focus are freed up for learning, and we increase the likelihood that they will thrive and succeed. By committing yourself to a few small actions, you can be part of a larger collective action, as we strive to create a better Charger community. Consult the webpage for more information about Relentless Welcome.
To take part in the CETL’s Relentless Welcome Challenge, complete the Relentless Welcome Challenge registration form.
Strong Start: Bring Your Own Assignment
In-person | Facilitators: Josie Baudier and Teresa Hutchins
Tuesday, January 7 | 10:00-12:00| Cartersville (Room A232) & Paulding (Room B-112)
Thursday, January 9 | 10:00-12:00 | Marietta (Room 15003) & Floyd (W-202)
Join us in-person on whichever campus works best for you. Bring one of your assignments that needs improvement. We will focus on your expectations for the assignment and how to best get that message to students through Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TiLT).
Strong Start: New Part-Time Faculty Orientation
Wed, January 8, 2025 | 6:00pm | Teams | Facilitators: Josie Baudier & Teresa Hutchins
New part-time faculty are invited to join us for a brief orientation to discuss the basics of teaching at GHC. We will also explore best practices of instructional strategies. You will get a change to talk to your Chairs in a breakout session.
Panel Discussion: Active Learning in the Classroom
Wed, January 15, 2025 | 12:30-1:30 pm | Teams | Facilitator: Josie Baudier | Panelists: Michelle Abbott (English), Steve Stuglin (Communication), and Melanie Vincent (Library)
Active learning in online and in-person classes allows students to be more involved in content processing. It provides an opportunity for students to practice concepts and reach a deeper understanding of course material. Participants in this panel will receive the newly created GHC Active Learning cards which provide numerous active learning techniques and ideas.
ADA Title II Regulations
Thursday, January 30, 2025 | 1:00-2:00pm | Teams | Facilitators: Josie Baudier & Teresa Hutchins
. Did you know that there has been an update to the ADA Title II regulations? In this webinar we will discuss the federal regulations guiding digital accessibility. These regulations involve institution-wide initiatives as well as requirements that will effect your D2L course material. Join us for this workshop to learn more about the updated regulations, the necessity for compliance to the new regulations by April 2026, and what this means for digital content that you create for your students.
Lab: Online Learning Lab
Asynchronous - February 10-15, 2025 | D2L | Facilitator: Josie Baudier
Synchronous Wrap Up Meeting - February 14, 2025 | 10:00-11:00am | Teams | Facilitator: Josie Baudier
This asynchronous 5 day lab will familiarize you with best practices for designing and teaching online courses, provide a forum for you to collaboratively address challenges and share strategies, and equip you to teach these courses well. It should take you four hours to complete. Your work in the lab will have a few deliverables and ends with a synchronous wrap up meeting in Teams.
Panel: Humanizing Online Learning
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 | 2:00-3:00pm | Facilitator: Teresa Hutchins | Panelists: Susanna Smith (Library), Julia Reidy (Humanities), and Katie Baxter (Humanities)
Panel: Teaching Controversial Topics
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 | 2:00-3:00pm | Facilitator: Teresa Hutchins | Panelists: Josh Stovall (Social Sciences), Scott Akemon (Social Sciences), and Jonathan Howard (Health Sciences)
Teaching controversial topics can be challenging, yet it is essential for fostering critical thinking and creating an open dialogue among your student. Learn how to create a respectful and inclusive environment where diverse perspectives can be shared and explored. Listen to our expert panel discuss the skills and strategies that they use when covering controversial subjects with their students. Bring your questions!
Pints and Pedagogy - Cartersville
Thursday, February 20, 2025 | 5:30pm | Drowned Valley Brewing, Cartersville | CETL Rep: Josie Baudier
Borrowing this theme from Dalton State College, let's meet up after work to talk about teaching. This casual atmosphere allows you to build relationships and network with your colleagues. We hope that you will learn techniques, methods, and strategies while potentially enjoying a pint! I will not be facilitating anything but I will be there. There are non-alcoholic drinks available. Participants are responsible for your own purchases.
Lab: Generative Artificial Intelligence
Asynchronous - March 3-7, 2025 | D2L | Facilitator: Josie Baudier & Teresa Hutchins
Synchronous Wrap Up Meeting - March 7, 2025 | 10:00-11:00am | Teams | Facilitator: Teresa Hutchins
This lab will familiarize you with best practices to identify opportunities and challenges of using generative AI tools in teaching and learning, develop strategies and best practices for creating authentic, transparent, and ethical assignments that align with course learning outcomes, and engage in self-paced activities and discussions having the opportunity to apply to design or revise an assignment. This lab should take about 4 hours to complete. We will meet up at the end of the week for a synchronous wrap-up meeting.
Panel: Video, Audio, Text, Oh My!
Thursday, March 13, 2025 | 12:00-1:00pm | Teams | Facilitator: Teresa Hutchins | Panelists: Laura Ralston (Business & Professional Studies), Julie Kozee (Humanities). Other panelists TBD.
In the world of higher education, selecting the right medium to deliver content is crucial for maximizing student engagement and learning outcomes. This panel will discuss the strengths and limitations of video, audio, and text and will assist participants in determining the best strategy for their courses to create a rich and dynamic learning experience. Bring your questions!
Pints and Pedagogy - Rome
Thursday, March 20, 2025 | 5:30pm | Foundry on Fifth, Rome | CETL Rep: Josie Baudier
Borrowing this theme from Dalton State College, let's meet up after work to talk about teaching. This casual atmosphere allows you to build relationships and network with your colleagues. We hope that you will learn techniques, methods, and strategies while potentially enjoying a pint! I will not be facilitating anything but I will be there. There are non-alcoholic drinks available. Participants are responsible for your own purchases.
Part-Time Faculty Academy
In-person | April 2025 | 9:00-3:00 | Date TBD
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning invites all GHC part-time instructors to the inaugural Part-Time Faculty Academy. This free pedagogical professional development event includes a networking fair, roundtable discussions, a professional luncheon, and concurrent sessions. Survey will be emailed to select the most preferred Friday in April.
Academic Showcase
Friday, May 2, 2025 | 9:00-1:00 | Cartersville Campus
This is an exciting day to celebrate student learning and faculty projects. Make a plan to join us for the day! You can present your own project, mentor a student, or judge submissions. Discover more details on the Academic Showcase webpage.
Topical Schedule of Events
Strong Start: Relentless Welcome
Asynchronous - 2025 Spring Semester
Relentless Welcome is about the intentional and en masse creation of learning environments in which students feel seen, heard, supported, and cared for. When we do this for our students, their energy and focus are freed up for learning, and we increase the likelihood that they will thrive and succeed. By committing yourself to a few small actions, you can be part of a larger collective action, as we strive to create a better Charger community. Consult the webpage for more information about Relentless Welcome.
To take part in the CETL’s Relentless Welcome Challenge, complete the Relentless Welcome Challenge registration form.
Strong Start: Bring Your Own Assignment
In-person | Facilitators: Josie Baudier and Teresa Hutchins
Tuesday, January 7 | 10:00am | Cartersville (Room A232) & Paulding (Room B-112)
Thursday, January 9 | 10:00am | Marietta (Room 15003) & Floyd (W-200)
Join us in-person on whichever campus works best for you. Bring one of your assignments that needs improvement. We will focus on your expectations for the assignment and how to best get that message to students through Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TiLT).
Strong Start: New Part-Time Faculty Orientation
Wed, January 8, 2025 | 6:00pm | Teams | Facilitators: Josie Baudier & Teresa Hutchins
New part-time faculty are invited to join us for a brief orientation to discuss the basics of teaching at GHC. We will also explore best practices of instructional strategies. You will get a change to talk to your Chairs in a breakout session.
FLC: Secret Thoughts of Successful Women and Men: Why Capable People Suffer from Imposter Syndrome and How to Thrive in Spite of it - SESSION FULL
Fall 2024 & Spring 2025 | Date & Time: TBD | Facilitator: Josie Baudier
Join this faculty learning community focused on the insightful book "The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women and Men" by Dr. Valerie Young. In this powerful read, Dr. Young explores the pervasive phenomenon of imposter syndrome and provides strategies for overcoming feelings of inadequacy despite accomplishments. Together, we will delve into this thought-provoking work and share perspectives on thriving professionally while navigating self-doubt. It is important to note that this FLC will meet for the fall and spring semesters. Free copies of the book to the first ten registrants.
FLC: Active and Experiential Online Learning - SESSION FULL
Third Tuesdays (F24 & S25) | 3:30-4:30 pm | Teams | Facilitator: Teresa Hutchins
Active learning is an important high-impact practice for higher education. It can be difficult to do active learning in online courses. This FLC will explore active learning and high-impact practices for online learning. Participants in this year-long FLC will learn about the reasons for active learning in online courses and best practices for creating active learning opportunities during the first two meetings of the FLC. Participants will then focus on planning an active learning activity for their course, to be implemented during the spring semester, while continuing research on active learning and high-impact practices. After spring implementation, participants will gather data to be presented at the 2025 Academic Showcase. It is important to note that this a year-long FLC.
FLC: Part-Time Instructors
Second Friday (F24) | Sept-May | 10-11am | Teams | Facilitators: Bridget Tweedy
Want to network with and learn from other part-time instructors at GHC? Join us to share tips, resources, ideas, struggles, and more.
FLC: Generative Artificial Intelligence - SESSION FULL
Third Wednesday (F24) | Sept-April | 12-1pm | Teams | Facilitators: Tom Harnden
What does generative AI mean for how you teach? What does it mean for how and what your students should learn? Join this FLC to hash it out in six monthly meetings for the 24-25 academic year. Participants will share what they’ve learned at the Academic Showcase on May 2, 2025. Free copies of Teaching with AI (bit.ly/twaijh) available to the first ten registrants.
Panel Discussion: Active Learning in the Classroom
Wed, January 15, 2025 | 12:30-1:30 pm | Teams | Facilitator: Josie Baudier | Panelists:
Active learning in online and in-person classes allows students to be more involved in content processing. It provides an opportunity for students to practice concepts and reach a deeper understanding of course material. Participants will receive the newly created GHC Active Learning cards which provide numerous active learning techniques and ideas. Bring your questions!
Panel: Humanizing Online Learning
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 | 2:00-3:00pm | Facilitator: Teresa Hutchins
In the digital age, fostering meaningful connections in online learning environments is more important than ever. This panel is designed to help you create engaging, supportive, and human-centered online learning experiences. Learn how to build a sense of community, enhance student engagement, and support the well-being of your online students. Bring your questions!
Panel: Controversial Teaching Topics
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 | 2:00-3:00pm | Facilitator: Teresa Hutchins
Teaching controversial topics can be challenging, yet it is essential for fostering critical thinking and creating an open dialogue among your student. Learn how to create a respectful and inclusive environment where diverse perspectives can be shared and explored. Listen to our expert panel discuss the skills and strategies that they use when covering controversial subjects with their students. Bring your questions!
Panel: Video, Audio, Text, Oh My!
Thursday, March 13, 2025 | 12:00-1:00pm | Teams | Facilitator: Teresa Hutchins
In the world of higher education, selecting the right medium to deliver content is crucial for maximizing student engagement and learning outcomes. This panel will discuss strengths and limitations of video, audio, and text and will assist participants in determining the best strategy for their courses to create a rich and dynamic learning experience. Bring your questions!
Thursday, January 30, 2025 | 1:00-2:00pm | Teams | Facilitators: Josie Baudier & Teresa Hutchins
. Did you know that there has been an update to the ADA Title II regulations? In this webinar we will discuss the federal regulations guiding digital accessibility. These regulations involve institution-wide initiatives as well as requirements that will effect your D2L course material. Join us for this workshop to learn more about the updated regulations, the necessity for compliance to the new regulations by April 2026, and what this means for digital content that you create for your students.
Asynchronous - February 10-15, 2025 | D2L | Facilitator: Josie Baudier
Synchronous Wrap Up Meeting - February 14, 2025 | 10:00-11:00am | Teams | Facilitator: Josie Baudier
This lab will familiarize you with best practices for designing and teaching 8-week courses, provide a forum for you to collaboratively address challenges and share strategies, and equip you to teach these courses well. It should take you four hours to complete. Your work in the lab will culminate with the creation of a schedule for your own 8-week course.
Pints and Pedagogy - Cartersville
Thursday, February 20, 2025 | 5:30pm | Drowned Valley Brewing, Cartersville | CETL Rep: Josie Baudier
Borrowing this theme from Dalton State College, let's meet up after work to talk about teaching. This casual atmosphere allows you to build relationships and network with your colleagues. We hope that you will learn techniques, methods, and strategies while potentially enjoying a pint! I will not be facilitating anything but I will be there. There are non-alcoholic drinks available. Participants are responsible for your own purchases.
Lab: Generative Artificial Intelligence
Asynchronous - March 3-7, 2025 | D2L | Facilitator: Josie Baudier & Teresa Hutchins
Synchronous Wrap Up Meeting - March 7, 2025 | 10:00-11:00am | Teams | Facilitator: Teresa Hutchins
This lab will familiarize you with best practices to identify opportunities and challenges of using generative AI tools in teaching and learning, develop strategies and best practices for creating authentic, transparent, and ethical assignments that align with course learning outcomes, and engage in self-paced activities and discussions having the opportunity to apply to design or revise an assignment. This lab should take about 4 hours to complete. We will meet up at the end of the week for a synchronous wrap-up meeting.
Thursday, March 20, 2025 | 5:30pm | Foundry on Fifth, Rome | CETL Rep: Josie Baudier
Borrowing this theme from Dalton State College, let's meet up after work to talk about teaching. This casual atmosphere allows you to build relationships and network with your colleagues. We hope that you will learn techniques, methods, and strategies while potentially enjoying a pint! I will not be facilitating anything but I will be there. There are non-alcoholic drinks available. Participants are responsible for your own purchases.
Engagement: Regular and Substantive Interaction in Online Courses Microlearning
Opens August 1, 2024 | Self-paced | D2L | Facilitator: Teresa Hutchins
The US Department of Education has implemented RSI requirements to help distinguish online courses from simply being correspondence courses. Complete this 1-hour self-paced microlearning module to learn what RSI is and how you can implement RSI in your online courses.
All faculty members are automatically enrolled. Access modules via the "Training" tab in your D2L My Courses widget. Staff members interested in participating can email cetl@highlands.edu for enrollment.
Modular Course Design Microlearning
Opens August 1, 2024 | Self-paced | D2L | Facilitator: Josie Baudier
Module course design is a way to organize your online course so that students can find it navigable and intuitive. Complete this 1-hour self-paced microlearning module to learn how to organize your course.
All faculty members are automatically enrolled. Access modules via the "Training" tab in your D2L My Courses widget. Staff members interested in participating can email cetl@highlands.edu for enrollment.
College Teaching Microlearning
Opens August 1, 2024 | Self-paced | D2L | Facilitator: Josie Baudier
College Teaching identifies the expectations of GHC faculty in regards to teaching. The workshop will provide research-based pedagogical strategies for college-level students in all modalities. Complete this 1-hour self-paced microlearning module to learn more about andragogy and higher education classroom expectations.
All faculty members are automatically enrolled. Access modules via the "Training" tab in your D2L My Courses widget. Staff members interested in participating can email cetl@highlands.edu for enrollment.
In-person | April 2025 | 9:00-3:00 | Date TBD
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning invites all GHC part-time instructors to the inaugural Part-Time Faculty Academy. This free pedagogical professional development event includes a networking fair, roundtable discussions, a professional luncheon, and concurrent sessions. Survey will be emailed to select the most preferred Friday in April.
Friday, May 2, 2025 | 9:00-1:00 | Cartersville Campus
This is an exciting day to celebrate student learning and faculty projects. Make a plan to join us for the day! You can present your own project, mentor a student, or judge submissions. Discover more details on the Academic Showcase webpage.
Schedule of Events by Modality
Strong Start: Bring Your Own Assignment
In-person | Facilitators: Josie Baudier and Teresa Hutchins
Tuesday, January 7 | 10:00am | Cartersville (Room A232) & Paulding (Room B-112)
Thursday, January 9 | 10:00am | Marietta (Room 15003) & Floyd (W-200)
Join us in-person on whichever campus works best for you. Bring one of your assignments that needs improvement. We will focus on your expectations for the assignment and how to best get that message to students through Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TiLT).
Pints and Pedagogy - Cartersville
Thursday, February 20, 2025 | 5:30pm | Drowned Valley Brewing, Cartersville | CETL Rep: Josie Baudier
Borrowing this theme from Dalton State College, let's meet up after work to talk about teaching. This casual atmosphere allows you to build relationships and network with your colleagues. We hope that you will learn techniques, methods, and strategies while potentially enjoying a pint! I will not be facilitating anything but I will be there. There are non-alcoholic drinks available. Participants are responsible for your own purchases.
Thursday, March 20, 2025 | 5:30pm | Foundry on Fifth, Rome | CETL Rep: Josie Baudier
Borrowing this theme from Dalton State College, let's meet up after work to talk about teaching. This casual atmosphere allows you to build relationships and network with your colleagues. We hope that you will learn techniques, methods, and strategies while potentially enjoying a pint! I will not be facilitating anything but I will be there. There are non-alcoholic drinks available. Participants are responsible for your own purchases.
Part-Time Faculty Academy
In-person | April 2025 | 9:00-3:00 | Date TBD
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning invites all GHC part-time instructors to the inaugural Part-Time Faculty Academy. This free pedagogical professional development event includes a networking fair, roundtable discussions, a professional luncheon, and concurrent sessions. Survey will be emailed to select the most preferred Friday in April.
Academic Showcase
Friday, May 2, 2025 | 9:00-1:00 | Cartersville Campus
This is an exciting day to celebrate student learning and faculty projects. Make a plan to join us for the day! You can present your own project, mentor a student, or judge submissions. Discover more details on the Academic Showcase webpage.
Strong Start: New Part-Time Faculty Orientation
Wed, January 8, 2025 | 6:00pm | Teams | Facilitators: Josie Baudier & Teresa Hutchins
New part-time faculty are invited to join us for a brief orientation to discuss the basics of teaching at GHC. We will also explore best practices of instructional strategies. You will get a change to talk to your Chairs in a breakout session.
Panel Discussion: Active Learning in the Classroom
Wed, January 15, 2025 | 12:30-1:30 pm | Teams | Facilitator: Josie Baudier | Panelists:
Active learning in online and in-person classes allows students to be more involved in content processing. It provides an opportunity for students to practice concepts and reach a deeper understanding of course material. Participants will receive the newly created GHC Active Learning cards which provide numerous active learning techniques and ideas.
Thursday, January 30, 2025 | 1:00-2:00pm | Teams | Facilitators: Josie Baudier & Teresa Hutchins
. Did you know that there has been an update to the ADA Title II regulations? In this webinar we will discuss the federal regulations guiding digital accessibility. These regulations involve institution-wide initiatives as well as requirements that will effect your D2L course material. Join us for this workshop to learn more about the updated regulations, the necessity for compliance to the new regulations by April 2026, and what this means for digital content that you create for your students.
Panel: Humanizing Online Learning
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 | 2:00-3:00pm | Facilitator: Teresa Hutchins
In the digital age, fostering meaningful connections in online learning environments is more important than ever. This panel is designed to help you create engaging, supportive, and human-centered online learning experiences. Learn how to build a sense of community, enhance student engagement, and support the well-being of your online students. Bring your questions!
Panel: Controversial Teaching Topics
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 | 2:00-3:00pm | Facilitator: Teresa Hutchins
Teaching controversial topics can be challenging, yet it is essential for fostering critical thinking and creating an open dialogue among your student. Learn how to create a respectful and inclusive environment where diverse perspectives can be shared and explored. Listen to our expert panel discuss the skills and strategies that they use when covering controversial subjects with their students. Bring your questions!
Panel: Video, Audio, Text, Oh My!
Thursday, March 13, 2025 | 12:00-1:00pm | Teams | Facilitator: Teresa Hutchins
In the world of higher education, selecting the right medium to deliver content is crucial for maximizing student engagement and learning outcomes. This panel will discuss the strengths and limitations of video, audio, and text and will assist participants in determining the best strategy for their courses to create a rich and dynamic learning experience. Bring your questions!
Strong Start: Relentless Welcome
Asynchronous - 2025 Spring Semester
Relentless Welcome is about the intentional and en masse creation of learning environments in which students feel seen, heard, supported, and cared for. When we do this for our students, their energy and focus are freed up for learning, and we increase the likelihood that they will thrive and succeed. By committing yourself to a few small actions, you can be part of a larger collective action, as we strive to create a better Charger community. Consult the webpage for more information about Relentless Welcome.
To take part in the CETL’s Relentless Welcome Challenge, complete the Relentless Welcome Challenge registration form.
Asynchronous - February 10-15, 2025 | D2L | Facilitator: Josie Baudier
Synchronous Wrap Up Meeting - February 14, 2025 | 10:00-11:00am | Teams | Facilitator: Josie Baudier
This lab will familiarize you with best practices for designing and teaching 8-week courses, provide a forum for you to collaboratively address challenges and share strategies, and equip you to teach these courses well. It should take you four hours to complete. Your work in the lab will culminate with the creation of a schedule for your own 8-week course.
Lab: Generative Artificial Intelligence
Asynchronous - March 3-7, 2025 | D2L | Facilitator: Josie Baudier & Teresa Hutchins
Synchronous Wrap Up Meeting - March 7, 2025 | 10:00-11:00am | Teams | Facilitator: Teresa Hutchins
This lab will familiarize you with best practices to identify opportunities and challenges of using generative AI tools in teaching and learning, develop strategies and best practices for creating authentic, transparent, and ethical assignments that align with course learning outcomes, and engage in self-paced activities and discussions having the opportunity to apply to design or revise an assignment. This lab should take about 4 hours to complete. We will meet up at the end of the week for a synchronous wrap-up meeting.