Georgia Highlands African-American and Minority Male Excellence or GHAME is an academic success and leadership initiative for African American and Latino men at Georgia Highlands College. Brother 2 Brother or B2B is a student organization that is part of GHAME. The initiative has won state and national recognition, and our members have gone on to successful and meaningful careers around the country.


The Georgia Highlands African-American and Minority Male Excellence initiative seeks to increase the enrollment, retention, progression, and graduation rates of African American and Latino men at Georgia Highlands College.


In 2002, the University System of Georgia began an initiative to address the low numbers of African American males in the university system. African American men were not enrolling in state colleges at the rate they should have been. Those who were enrolling were not staying in college and graduating at adequate rates. The USG started an initiative to address this problem, called the African American Male Initiative (AAMI). For more information about AAMI, go to https://www.usg.edu/aami/.

In 2008, Georgia Highlands College began an initiative as a part of the state’s AAMI. We called our initiative GHAME (Georgia Highlands African American and Minority Male Excellence)—and our focus was on the enrollment, retention, and graduation rates of both African American and Latino men.

GHAME Coordinator

Jalen Hudson is now fulfilling the role of our Interim-GHAME Coordinator! He is responsible for strategizing and overseeing the operational aspects of the GHC AAMI effort on a daily basis. Mr. Hudson is now working towards his Bachelor’s degree in Business and has previously held a leadership position in B2B. If you are interested in information about upcoming activities, meetings, or the Foundation camp contact him: jahudson@highlands.edu.