GHAME and B2B Staff & Advisors

GHAME Coordinator
Eric Collins is the Director of the Georgia Highlands African-American and Minority Male Excellence (GHAME) initiative and the Brother 2 Brother (B2B) student organization at Georgia Highlands College. In this role, Eric leads efforts to support African American and Latino male students, focusing on increasing enrollment, retention, progression, and graduation rates.
A strong advocate for community engagement, Eric is committed to expanding the program’s reach through increased collaboration with high schools and local communities, helping to create pathways to higher education for underrepresented students.

GHAME Advisor
Dr. Jonathan Hershey serves as the Director of GHC’s GHAME initiative and Brother 2 Brother. He works closely with the USG’s African American Male Initiative and B2B’s national organization, the Student African American Brotherhood, for which he serves as a director for the National Advisors Caucus. At Highlands he has been Dean of the School of Humanities and Professor of English.

GHAME Advisor
Dean of the Marietta site of GHC, Ken Reaves has worked with GHAME and B2B from the beginning. He has participated as a director in multiple AAMI and SAAB events. He has been instrumental in advising students on his campus site, in particular.

GHAME Statistician
Dr. Diane Langston of the Planning, Assessment, Accreditation and Research Office manages all of the statistics for the GHAME initiative. She is a crucial member of the team.