Faculty Funding
The Professional Development Fund is no longer taking applications. Hopefully, we will again after July 1!
The Office of the Provost is partnering with the CETL Faculty Funding Program to provide full-time faculty with funding to further their teaching practice and scholarship in a way that will have a positive impact on the institution and the students. All full-time faculty members who are under contract during the time period of the funding application process and reception of the fund are eligible to apply. Potential opportunities for funding include, but are not limited to: conference attendance or conference participation (conferences, workshops, seminars, or poster presentations), scholarly work (publishing), or other teaching innovations (technology-enhanced teaching or instructional strategies). These faculty funds do not support conference attendance that is simply focused on increasing one’s general knowledge in an area that the applicant may teach courses. Attendance should directly impact their work at GHC as well as impact student success.
Important Details
- Funds are applicable only towards events that happen in the same fiscal year.
- Faculty funds cannot be used for technology purchases.
- Faculty funds are not retroactive.
Application Deadlines
- Rolling submission allowed.
- Submission of application due 30 days prior to date of travel or event.
Funding Information
The funding application will allow you to itemize your expenses. Full or partial funding may be awarded. In order to support as many faculty members as possible, each faculty member can only receive one funding opportunity per fiscal year.
Your funds are limited to the amount provided on the award letter that will be emailed to you. Any funds not utilized for event costs (travel, conference fee, etc.) will remain part of the GHC budget.
When calculating meals/per diem, please use the information located on our GHC Travel site. Note that you will not be reimbursed for any meals that are offered at the conference. Additionally, you will only be reimbursed at the current state per diem rate.
If the conference is out of state, you must submit a signed Authority to Travel document to Accounting Services (jpresley@highlands.edu) and to the Provost’s Office (rsosebee@highlands.edu). This approval is necessary to purchase or request to purchase any out of state travel needs.
If you wish to have the conference registration paid via a procurement card, contact Rhonda Sosebee (rsosebee@highlands.edu) at least 30 days prior to travel. You must provide the conference website which needs to include an agenda and registration link. Also, you must provide all information required for registration (e.g., food choices, session choices, etc.)
It is recommended that you purchase your accommodations, flight, etc. on your own, then submit for reimbursement through an expense report. However, if you cannot do this, contact Rhonda Sosebee (rsosebee@highlands.edu) at least 30 days prior to travel.
Please follow all travel policies when booking flights, hotels, rental cars, etc.
Upon returning, immediately submit your expense report. When submitting your expense report, you MUST provide the chart string numbers (account numbers) located on the award letter which you will receive after submitting an application. Also, you must include the award letter to your attachments in your expense report.
If you have additional questions, please contact the Accounting Services to complete any travel transactions necessary or consult these additional travel resources.
Steps to Apply
Please note: Once you begin the application process, you will need to complete it. You cannot save and return to it later. The information below will prepare you for the application.
- Complete the application.
- Be sure that your information aligns to Georgia Highlands College Mission and Goals.
- The application includes:
- Contact Details - basic personal information
- You will need to answer the following questions (150 word limit):
- Describe the conference and its associated organization, the teaching innovation, or the scholarly work for which you are asking for funding. Include why this is important to your work.
- Explain the rationale for the funds. How will the funds be used? How does conference attendance or participation, the scholarly work, or the teaching innovation align to the GHC mission and goals?
- What is the potential impact to teaching and student success due to this funding opportunity?
- Describe how you plan to disseminate or share your experience and information from the event with colleagues or students.
- Supporting documents:
- Complete the Funding Approval Form. You will need to download, retrieve signatures, and then upload the document to the application. Electronic signatures are acceptable.
- Proof of acceptance for conference, if presenting a proposal, or manuscript acceptance. Other support may be requested.
- Supporting details and information:
- If applicable, conference specifics, travel dates, etc
- Projected budget expenses
Send questions to cetl@highlands.edu