2025 Part-Time Faculty Academy

2025 Part-Time Faculty Academy

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Part-Time Faculty, Join us on Friday, April 11, 2025!

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning invites all GHC part-time instructors to the second annual Part-Time Faculty Academy. This free pedagogical professional development event includes networking opportunities, a professional luncheon, information on GHC resources, accessibility, interactive instruction, and concurrent sessions facilitated by your GHC colleagues (topics TBD).

Cartersville Campus

Decorative divider of the information on the page

9:00-9:30 – Welcome

Library Fireplace

Dr. Josie Baudier, Dr. Mike Hobbs, Dr. Sarah Coakley

9:30-10:15 – Who Are Our Students?

Library Fireplace

Who are GHC students? Join us for an overview from Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Initiatives (IESI) of GHC student demographic data and guidance from the Center for Excellence Teaching and Learning (CETL) on what the data means for how to teach well at GHC.

Dean AJ Thomas, Dr. Josie Baudier

10:30-11:00 – Concurrent Session 1

Sessions TBD

11:00-11:30 – Concurrent Session 2

Sessions TBD

11:30-12:30 – Networking Lunch

President’s Lounge

Join us for a professional networking luncheon in the lounge immediately outside the Cartersville President’s office in the A-building.

12:40-1:10 – Concurrent Session 3

Sessions TBD

1:20-1:40 – GHC Jeopardy

Library Fireplace

With a competitive game of Jeopardy, we will explore GHC Resources that you can use in your classroom and with your students.

Teresa Hutchins

1:45-2:30 – The More You Know: RSI, Accessibility, Instructional Time

Library Fireplace

During this whole group session, we will discuss a few requirements and initiatives that all GHC faculty are expected to do. We will explore regular and substantive interactions, accessibility, and direct/indirect instruction. You will be able to get your questions answered about additional requirements or areas of interest.

Teresa Hutchins & Dr. Josie Baudier

2:30-3:00 – Reflection & Closing

Library Fireplace

This culminating session will allow time to reflect on the day as well as your professional career. We’ll also explore further educational development resources and create a personalized action plan for your future growth.

Teresa Hutchins & Dr. Josie Baudier


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