
Thank you for considering the facilities of Georgia Highlands College as the venue to host your event. Please take a few minutes to review the steps to request a reservation. GHC is committed to serving as a community steward and to supporting programs consistent with the mission and goals of the college which include teaching, fostering leadership, and promoting scholarships and endowments.

Maximum Capacity Setup Options AV/IT Resources Food & Beverage Building Location Usage Fee & Security Deposit
Art Gallery

Rental Request
The Art Gallery is located on the GHC-Floyd campus in the Lakeview Building. Entering the main entrance on the north side of the building, the gallery adjoins the lobby and is easy to locate.
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Theatre (72)

Banquet (64)

Classroom (32)

Limited AV service / No IT services


YES Floyd Campus – (2) Lakeview Building

$600 fee +

$ 100 deposit



Rental Request
The Auditorium is located on the GHC-Floyd campus in the Lakeview Building. The main entrance to Lakeview is located on the north side of the building, and the auditorium is to the right of the lobby area.
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Bleacher (336)

Theatre (300)

Banquet (300)

Classroom (150)

AV & IT available


YES Floyd Campus – (2) Lakeview Building

$1500 fee +

$500 deposit


Banquet Hall (Small)

Rental Request
The Banquet Hall is located on the first floor of the Cartersville Student Center, also known as the B Building. The Banquet Hall is located next to our Student Café.




AV & IT available


YES Cartersville Campus

$800 fee +

$150 deposit


Banquet Hall (Large)

Rental Request
The Banquet Hall is located on the first floor of the Cartersville Student Center, also known as the B Building. The Banquet Hall is located next to our Student Café.




AV & IT available


YES Cartersville Campus

$1500 fee +

$200 deposit


Banquet Hall (Combined)

Rental Request
The Banquet Hall is located on the first floor of the Cartersville Student Center, also known as the B Building. The Banquet Hall is located next to our Student Café.
View image

A&B combined

AV & IT available


YES Cartersville Campus

$2300 fee +

$350 deposit


Cartersville Ballfield (Baseball and Softball)

Rental Request
The Ballfields are near our Cartersville Campus.

N/A N/A NO YES Cartersville Campus

$85 per hour

Cartersville Intramural Field

Rental Request
The Intramural Field is located at the Cartersville Campus next to our Student Center, Building B.
N/A N/A NO YES Cartersville Campus

$35 per hour

Centre Stage

Rental Request
Centre Stage is located inside our Heritage Hall Campus in Rome.
150 Banquet/Theatre: 150
YES YES Heritage Hall

$2000 fee +

$ 500 deposit


Classrooms (24-45)

Rental Request
Classroom availability is dependent upon the GHC academic calendar. The classroom setups include traditional desk seating for 20-25, table and chair seating for up to 84, and theatre-style lecture hall seating for up to 150. The classrooms are located in the Lakeview (2), F-Wing (3), McCorkle (5), Library (6), Walraven (7) and Physical Education (8) buildings.
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No Options Listed


NO Floyd Campus
Cartersville Campus
<!– a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#floydmap">Floyd Campus – Buildings 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 & 8 –>

$300 fee +

$ 100 deposit


Classrooms (45+)

Rental Request
Classroom availability is dependent upon the GHC academic calendar. The classroom setups include traditional desk seating for 20-25, table and chair seating for up to 84, and theatre-style lecture hall seating for up to 150. The classrooms are located in the Lakeview (2), F-Wing (3), McCorkle (5), Library (6), Walraven (7) and Physical Education (8) buildings.
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No Options Listed


NO Floyd Campus
Cartersville Campus
<!– a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#floydmap">Floyd Campus – Buildings 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 & 8 –>
$500 fee +

$ 100 deposit



Computer Lab

Rental Request
Computer lab availability is dependent upon the GHC academic calendar. The lab setups include table stations in row or U-shape and seat up to 24. The computer labs are located in the Lakeview (2), F-Wing (3) and Library (6) buildings.
View image
24 Classroom (24)

AV & IT available


NO Floyd Campus – Buildings 2, 3 & 6

$2500 fee +

$1500 deposit


Conference Room

Rental Request
Conference rooms are located on each of our campuses.
15 Conference YES YES Cartersville,
Paulding &

$400 fee +

$ 100 deposit


Floyd Athletic Fields ( Soccer Field and Tennis Court)

Rental Request
The Tennis Court and Soccer Field is located at the Floyd Campus.
N/A N/A NO ASK Floyd Campus

$800 fee +

$150 deposit


Gymnasium (Cartersville)

Rental Request
The Gymnasium is located on the first floor in the Cartersville Student Center, also known as the B Building. It is located down the hall pass the elevators. The Gymnasium can host athletic events, Showcases, Academic fairs and etc. The availability depends on the GHC Academic Calendar.
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The Gym has two setup options:

1) Athletic
2) Meeting

Limited AV/IT (ask to learn more) Food and beverages not allowed Cartersville Campus Athletic setup

$2500 fee +

$500 deposit

$3000 total

Meeting setup

$4500 fee +

$500 deposit

$5000 total


Rental Request
The Pavilion (B) is located east of the F-Wing/McCorkle Building and inside the GHC fitness trail near Paris Lake.
View image
120 Picnic Tables NO YES Floyd Campus

$350 fee +

$100 deposit


Rental Request
The Solarium is located on the south/southeast corner of the McCorkle Building with interior and exterior entrances.
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Theatre (72)

Banquet (64)

Classroom (32)

AV YES Floyd Campus – (4) McCorkle

$600 fee +

$ 100 deposit


Student Center (Cartersville)

Rental Request
The Cartersville Student Center Lobby is located on the first floor of the Cartersville Student Center, also known as the B Building. The Lobby provides a great amount of open seating surrounded by our Fireplace.
View image
150 Dining Hall (150)

Limited AV services


YES Cartersville Campus

$700 fee +

$ 140 deposit


Student Center (Floyd)

Rental Request
The Student Center is located on the south/southeast corner of the McCorkle Building. Classified a GHC student facility, availability of the student center is dependent upon the Office of Student Engagement and academic calendars.
View image
150 Dining Hall (150)

Limited AV services


YES Floyd Campus – (2) Lakeview Building

$1500 fee +

$ 200 deposit


*Does not include fees associated with setup, custodial/security services, auxillary services or catering.