Declare or Change Pathway

Declare your Pathway

It is to the student’s advantage to select their Pathway for their academic career as early in their academic studies as possible. Students planning to transfer to a four-year institution, who have not selected their Pathway, will be placed in the General Studies program for transfer. For those students who are undecided as to Pathways, following the core curriculum for areas A-E is recommended. Careful planning should include consideration for the Area D requirements for science or math majors.

Students are encouraged to work with their faculty advisor. The student is responsible for knowing their course and degree requirements for Georgia Highlands College. Students are also encouraged to visit the Counseling and Career Center for individual testing and counseling assistance regarding the choosing of a Pathway.

Click here to view the Program Pathways


Change Pathway

Students who wish to change their Pathway must file an online change form with the Office of the Registrar. A Pathway change is effective the semester following the student’s current enrollment or pre-registration.

Click here to access the online form