ENGL 2111

ENGL 2111: World Literature I

Course Description

This course is a survey of World Literature from the earliest written texts to about 1650. Because there was far more written during that time than we could ever hope to read in a single semester, I have selected readings that will allow us to focus on heroes. We will be learning a variety of criteria for evaluating literary heroes and seeking connections between ancient heroes and our modern world.

Many of you are not English majors, so you may be wondering what you get from this course. We will write a lot, and practice leads to mastery, so your academic writing skills will improve. Reading critically and analyzing literature means thinking critically and analytically. These are essentials skills for all careers, and essential for success in life. Most importantly, I hope at least one work we read touches you and leaves you with a desire to read another poem or story in the future.

Adventure, Treasure Map, Old World Map



This web-based class will be delivered via D2L. The class will “meet” at least 2 times during the semester using Microsoft Teams, a video chat program free to GHC students. Multiple days and times as well as an alternate assignment will available for required meetings; students can choose which they prefer.

Required Materials

This course uses OER’s (open educational resources). These are free and available online, so no books need to be purchased.

Tentative Assignments

  • 2 or 3 Literary Analysis Essays (2-4 pages each)
  • Journal Club (short presentation of a scholarly journal article via Microsoft Teams or video)
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Online Weekly Discussion

**The number and type of assignments in this list is subject to change.  This list is intended as a general guide only.**


Earning a C or better in ENGL 1102.