Grade Appeals Process

Process for Appealing a Grade

Note: All appeals and documentation must be in writing.

1.  If a student disagrees with a final grade in a course, he or she should first contact the  instructor to see if the disagreement can be worked out. If it cannot be, the student has the right to appeal the grade.  A student may not appeal the professional judgment of the faculty member.  In all cases the policy in the course syllabus shall prevail in determining the grade. The student’s appeal must be based on the belief that the final grade was legally discriminatory in some way or that there was a mathematical error.  If the student believes the final grade fits this category and wishes to appeal, he or she should ask the instructor for a written statement as to how he or she arrived at the grade.  The instructor must provide the student with this statement.

2.  If the student is enrolled in a program with a departmental appeal process, he or she should follow that process as written (again, in writing) and send it (along with the instructor’s statement) to the academic dean under whom the instructor works:

  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)  – Jason Christian
  • Social Sciences and Education – Dr. Alan Nichols
  • Humanities – Dr. Jessica Lindberg
  • Health Sciences – Dr. Lisa Jellum
  • Business and Professional Studies – Joy Hambrick

The student should explain what grade he or she thinks should have been awarded, and why. Submit all documentation with the explanation. The academic dean may contact the instructor for further documentation.

3.  If the problem has not been satisfied to the student’s satisfaction, the next step is to appeal to the academic dean. The student should submit the instructor’s written statement along with his or her explanation of the dispute.

4.  If the student is dissatisfied with the decision of the academic dean, he or she may appeal (again, in writing) to the Provost. All documentation should be forwarded to Provost’s office, along with the student’s statement. The Provost’s office has the option to appoint an appeal review committee.

5.  If the student is dissatisfied with her decision, he or she may appeal to the President of the college. Again, send all the previous documentation. The decision of the president is final. The University System Board of Regents will not hear grade appeals.

6.  The deadline for appeals shall be the mid-term date of the following semester after the course was taken.