Student Resources
Student Resources for Learning Support
- SAT/ACT scores required to exempt placement testing
Academic Integrity Code and Forms
- Certifications are sometimes requested by insurance companies as proof that you are a full-time student. You must be able to log on to your Charger Portal in order to do this.
GPA Calculator
Hardship Withdrawal and Extended Absence
- GHC Hardship Withdrawal Policy and Form
- GHC Extended Absence Policy
- Form for Applying for Extended Absence
Incompletes and Grade Appeals
- GHC Grade of Incomplete Policy
- GHC Process for Appealing a Grade
Student Handbook on Current Students page
- includes Student Code of Conduct, Student Grievance Policy, and the definition of "disruptive classroom behavior"
Transfer Equivalency
- GHC Transfer Equivalency System
- See how courses from other colleges would transfer to GHC
- Kennesaw State Transfer Articulation
- University of West Georgia Transfer Equivalencies