Wireless Windows

GHC Wi-Fi Configuration – Windows


  1. Locate the Network and Sharing Center from within Control Panel.

    Windows 7: Click on the Start button, then click on Control Panel on the right side of the start menu.

    Windows 8: Search for the Network and Sharing Center by using the search icon in the top right corner of the Start screen. You may need to click on the settings option to filter your search results and exclude other apps.

    search for network and sharing center. choose settings.

    select network and sharing center in settings

    Windows 10: Click on the Start button, then Click on the Settings option on the bottom left side of the Start menu. Use the search tool in the top right corner of the Settings window to search for the Network and Sharing Center.

    search from start menu

    search for network and sharing center from settings dialog

  2. Click Set up a new connection or network.

    network and sharing dialog

  3. Click on Manually connect to a wireless network in the newly opened window. Then click the Next button.

    select manually in set up a connection or network dialog

  4. Enter the information for the network name (GHC-Student) and security type (WPA2-Enterprise) from the screenshot below. Then click the Next button.

    manual connect dialog

  5. You will need to change a few settings on the next window labeled GHC-Student Wireless Network Properties. First, click on the Security tab. To the right of the drop down menu with Microsoft: Protected EAP (PEAP) pre-selected, click on the Settings button to open a new window.

    security tab in network properties dialog

  6. In this Protected EAP Properties window, click on the check-box for ‘Connect to these servers...‘ and type auth.ad.highlands.edu into the text field below.
  7. In the trusted Root Certification Authorities list, scroll down and check all authorities labeled GeoTrust (they will appear in alphabetical order)
  8. Finally, click the Configure... button near Select Authentication Method near the bottom of this window. Ensure the check box for ‘Automatically use my Windows logon name and password...’ is unchecked, then click on the OK button to return to the previous window.

    protected eap properties dialog

    eap properties popup

  9. Click on the OK button on bottom right corner of the Protected EAP Properties window.
  10. Click on the Advanced settings button on the bottom right of the GHC-Employee Wireless Network Properties window you’ve returned to.
  11. Ensure the check box for Specify authentication mode is checked and select ‘User authentication‘ from the drop down below. Click on the Save credentials button to enter your network username and password. Click on the OK button to close this window.

    advanced settings

  12. Click on the OK button to close the Advanced Settings window.
  13. Click on the OK button to close the GHC-Student Wireless Network Properties window.

You should now be connected! Still having problems? Contact Us!