A&P 1 Homepage

A printable version (MS Word) of the syllabus can be found on the course’s Desire-2-Learn (D2L) page

BIOL 2121K

Human Anatomy & Physiology I

Instructor Information:

Instructor:           Mr. Jason Hitzeman; Professor of Biology

Office:                Walraven 336

Phone Number:   706-368-7525

Email: jhitzema@highlands.edu

Website: The following items are available on the website for you to print off:

1. Outlines & Notes (Word documents) and PowerPoints for each lecture can be found on the Lecture Materials page. You are REQUIRED to print at least one of these out in advance of class. I will lecture at a pace that assumes you have these.

2. Study Guides (Word documents) for each exam on the Materials page.

3. Practice quizzes for most chapters are also located on the Materials page. These can be extremely helpful if utilized properly in your studying for exams.

4. A link to the Lab Schedule with laboratory topics and lab practical dates listed. Lab handouts are available as links within the Lab Schedule. You are REQUIRED to have these printed off and  read in advance of lab.



Student must test out of, or have completed, all learning support courses before taking this course.


Course Description:

Biology 2121 and 2122 constitute a sequence in which the students are reviewed in basic concepts of biology biochemistry (cell theory, cell structure, cell metabolism, and cell reproduction) before proceeding to a detailed study of the normal histology, gross anatomy, and physiology of each body system within the human organism.  Emphasis is placed on homeostatic mechanisms as they relate to health and disease.  Laboratory study includes examination of life-sized models, prepared tissue slides, and preserved specimens, with analysis of physiological processes within the student’s bodies by EEG and ECG.

The purpose of the sequence is to provide the students with a basic overview of vocabulary, theory, principles, and hands-on experience in the subject matter in order to support the practical, clinical and technical requirements of the programs, which include BIOL 2121K and 2122K in the curriculum.



OpenStax College.  Anatomy and Physiology ISBN 1-938168-13-5

Download for FREE at https://openstaxcollege.org/textbooks/anatomy-and-physiology

The Apple iBooks version is currently $4.99 and comes with some extra features. You can purchase a printed copy for about $51 on Amazon if you prefer. A used lab book, or anatomy atlas, would be very useful as well, but is not required. 


Attendance & Make-Up:

Lecture: Attendance will be recorded for advisory purposes and administrative record keeping. Points are not given or deducted according to a student’s attendance. If a lecture test is missed for an emergency, a make-up test over the material missed may be administered at the discretion of the instructor and in the format of the instructor’s choosing, usually essay form.  Only one make-up test is allowed for the entire course.  There will be no re-takes. Test grades are never curved. Make-up exams will be taken during the next class period attended by the student. It is the responsibility of the student to get any information missed during that class time.

Lab:  Attendance IS recorded.  If an emergency causes you to miss a lab, you are responsible for learning any missed material from your lab-mates.  If schedule and space permits students are often allowed to attend different lab sections during the same week to make-up a missed lab. If the emergency causes you to miss a lab practical, call as soon as possible so that the practical can be rescheduled. If you fail to call or email, it cannot be made up!

In the event of weather related cancellation of classes, the schedule will pick up the sequence of lectures herein described as classes resume.  The semester may then be extended, or double lectures designed as we go.  If we have covered all material for a test, the test will be given on the first day back to class.

If there is inclement weather, the college posts necessary announcements on the highlands.edu web site.  Cancellation notices for Floyd or Cartersville locations will be reported to radio stations and WXIA-TV in Atlanta.  However, please be advised that station regulations may not allow for clarity in location-specific announcements such as “Georgia Highlands, Cartersville only.”  Generally speaking, stations simply broadcast something like “Georgia Highlands is closed.” Classes in Marietta will be cancelled when Southern Polytechnic State University closes.


Grading Scale:

   89.5-100% = A     79.5-89.4% = B     69.5-79.4% = C     59.5-69.4% = D     < 59.5% = F


Evaluation Methods and Grading:

Grades are determined by proficiency on lecture and lab exams and homework. There are no extra credit or bonus opportunities. Your final grade will be out of 100% and weighted as follows:

            5 Lecture exams + Highest grade counted again  =        50%

            Final exam =                                                                    20%

            Lab average x2 =                                                             20%

            Homework =                                                                    10%


            Total =                                                                              100%

Your grade is determined by calculating your percentage of the total number of points for each test. That percentage, rounded to one decimal place, becomes your final grade out of 100%.


The lab grade will be calculated as the average of 5 scores. This average (out of 100%) is then doubled and incorporated into your final class grade.

Lab Practical #1 = 50

Lab Practical #2 = 50

Lab Practical #3 = 50

Lab Practical #4 = 50

Highest Practical Again = 50

Grades for individual assignments are posted on GHC’s Desire-2-Learn (D2L) site at the instructor’s discretion. D2L is not the official grade book for the class. While I try my best to not make mistakes entering grades into D2L, there may come a time when it does not match the official grade book. In those cases, the official grade book, not D2L, will be the grade that stands unless an error has been made and can be verified with a returned, or saved, assignment



In additions to the lectures, there will be outside work for each chapter we cover. This work is graded and subject to deadlines and late penalties.

Homework will consist primarily, but not necessarily limited to, chapter terms and anatomy quizzes. Terms must be handwritten. No typed work will be accepted. In general, terms lists will be assigned in the advance of each chapter and be due before lecture on those chapters begins. Assignments should be handed in in person. If a student cannot make it to class (excused or unexcused), they can be scanned in and emailed. As a last resort, the student can take a digital picture of the assignment, email it to the instructor, and then hand in the actual assignment the day they return to class. Any assignments not received by the deadline, will be subject to a 10% daily grade reduction with a maximum 50% grade reduction. Your lowest, graded assignment grade will be dropped. Any work not turned in will be considered ungraded and will not be dropped.

Anatomy quizzes will be administered on D2L. These are required and count towards your final homework grade. They will be fill-in-the-blank quizzes covering the anatomical structures covered in lab. They may be done as many times as necessary to master the material with only the highest grade being counted.


Statement of Academic Integrity:

All work presented is expected to be produced by the student’s own efforts. Plagiarism (copying of another author’s work or written material (even a sentence or two) and then claiming it as your own work) and cheating or attempting to cheat (on a tests, quizzes, assignment, laboratory work, or any other work done for a grade) is ample reason for receiving an F for that assignment. Policies on student conduct and academic integrity are in the College’s “Student Rights & Responsibilities” document.  This can be accessed Here


Returned Class Items:

Lecture exams are never returned to the student. They are available for review (15-20min/exam) by appointment for the week following the exam period. During the week preceding finals, exams will be made available during assigned lab times for review.

It is the student’s responsibility to keep all graded materials returned to them (from lecture and lab) until a final grade has been issued for the course and it is determined that there are no errors in that assigned grade (i.e. a miscalculated grade or incorrectly entered grade). Any grade discrepancies can only be rectified with proof of the student’s correct scores, which can only be verified with the original graded items. Therefore, it is very important that you keep these items until after final grades are posted in case a change is necessary.


Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Students will demonstrate competency of one discipline in the sciences in terms of its informational content.

2. Students will demonstrate competency of on discipline in the sciences in terms of its terminology.

3. Students will demonstrate competency of on discipline in the sciences in terms of its commonly used units of measurement.

4. Students will demonstrate the ability to operate basic instrumentation, gather data, and generate conclusions in a laboratory or observational setting.

5. Students will demonstrate the ability to apply discipline content to problem solving.


Course Objectives:

1. Identify and describe the levels of organization of the human body.

2. Identify, describe and apply the basic principles of chemistry as they relate to human anatomy and physiology.

3. Identify, describe, and explain cell structures and their functions.

4. Identify, describe, and explain tissue structure and functions.

5. Identify, describe, and explain the structures and functions of the integumentary system.

6. Identify, describe, and explain the structures and functions of the bones and joints.

7. Identify, describe, and explain the structures and functions of the muscles.

8. Identify, describe, and explain the structures and functions of the nervous system.

9. Identify, describe, and explain the structures and functions of the sensory organs.


Students with Disabilities:

Students who feel they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should make an appointment with the Student Support Services (Cartersville 678-872-8004; Floyd 706-368-7536; Marietta 678-915-5021; Paulding 678-946-1029) to coordinate reasonable accommodations.  The students are also welcome to contact the instructors privately to discuss one’s specific needs.


Earned F:

This message applies only to students receiving financial aid:  Federal regulations state that if a student did not attend classes and received failing grades, then the grades were not earned and financial aid needs to be reduced accordingly.  Please be advised that any student receiving a 0.00 GPA will be required to prove that the 0.00 PGA was earned by attending classes or completing requirements for each class.  Students who have earned at least one passing grade for the semester will not be affected by this regulation.  If a student has properly withdrawn from all classes, the student’s financial aid should be adjusted from the time they signed the withdrawal form. 


Cell Phones:

The use of cell phones, pagers, etc. during lecture or lab time is strictly prohibited. These devices can be very disruptive if they “go off” during class time. Please turn these devices off BEFORE you arrive to class (silent mode/vibrate can still be heard by classmates and therefore is not acceptable). Any students whose cell phone, pager, etc. disrupts class will be asked to leave class immediately and will not be allowed to return until the next class period. Exceptions will only be made if the student is expecting a very important phone call (one that could cause them to leave class early anyway). In these situations, silent mode/vibrate is acceptable and the instructor needs to be informed of this at the beginning of class.


Extended Absence Policy:

Students, who have circumstances that prevent them from continuing to attend classes over an extended period of time, sometimes request that the faculty member permit them to submit work in absentia to receive credit to complete the course.

If the concurrent absences will constitute more than 15% of the class sessions for the term, then written permission from the Division Chair is required before any course assignments can be completed while missing class.  The student must be in good academic standing in the course to make the request.  All approved coursework must be completed by the end of the semester in which the course was begun.


(Note: If a program has a more stringent absence policy than this, then the program policy prevails.)


Policies & Procedures:

Georgia Highlands College has in place a number of policies and procedures for students. These include the Grievance Policy, Appealing a Grade, Extended Absence Policy, Incomplete Grade Policy, Hardship Withdrawal Policy, Tobacco Free Campus Policy, Sexual Harassment Policy, and a No Weapons Policy. More information on these can be accessed Here and Here


Laboratory Risk Statement:

Since this course involves a laboratory component, there are specific safety issues that students need to be aware of (such as use of safety goggles, or any other such example specifically related to that course). It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of all such issues and act in an extremely cautious manner to avoid any potential causes for accidents in the laboratory. GHC (including its faculty and staff) is not liable for any accident in the lab due to negligence on the part of any individual. Specific safety issues are discussed in the lab manual and laboratory safety lecture. It is also recommended that if you are pregnant or intend on becoming pregnant during the course, that you not take the course at this time.


Scantron Forms

Exams are all matching & multiple choice. Students must provide their own Scantron grading forms (Form No. 882-E), which are available at the campus bookstore at a small cost. For this reason and because Scantron forms can become damaged in use, students are encouraged to be prepared by coming with multiple forms for every exam. Scantron forms must be clean and uncreased. Forms must also be clearly marked in order to be graded properly.  Running out of forms, using forms that are in poor condition, or marking forms improperly will lead to a student potentially losing points for the corresponding exam. The answers marked on the Scantron form are the ones graded. No credit will be given for answers marked correctly on the examination copy that are marked incorrectly on the Scantron form.


Early Grades Statement:

GHC offers a variety of part-of-term classes to allow our students to have flexible schedules.  However, there are only three Semesters each year; Spring, Summer and Fall.  It is only at the end of each Semester that grades are rolled to academic history and available on the official transcript.  After each part-of-term, as soon as Instructors have entered grades, they may be viewed online by logging into SCORE (Legacy) (Click Here).  Transcripts may also be request at any time by logging into SCORE (Legacy).  Prior to the end of term, should a student need an early grade letter sent to another institution they may complete the request form and submit it to the Registrar’s Office for processing (Click Here).  Please contact the Registrar’s Office at registrar@highlands.edu if you need any assistance.


Early Warning Program:

Georgia Highlands College requires that all faculty members report their students’ progress throughout the course of the semester as part of the institution-wide Early Warning Program (EWP).  The objective of the program is to support academic success by reviewing early indicators of satisfactory student progress.  In accordance with EWP, faculty members provide the Registrar’s Office with academic reports of each student enrolled in their course(s) at checkpoints staggered throughout the semester.  The following success factors are reported at their corresponding checkpoint:

Week 2: Notification of Non-attendance

Week 6: Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory Progress