
Style Guide

The way an organization presents itself reflects its values, personality and traditions. That’s why logos, word marks and other symbols representing the college must be used in a consistent, professional manner. They convey and enhance brand position and visual identity.

While the Marketing & Communications department creates all materials for external use, it also tries to review printed pieces that are produced for internal purposes.

Use this quick guide for information on GHC’s colors, fonts, and logo. If you have questions or need further explanation or help, please contact GHC’s Marketing and Communication Team at

You may also submit a project to the Marcom Service Form under “Forms.”

Accessing GHC photos and brand elements

The CHARGER Brand Portal is here to assist our GHC family in browsing, searching, and downloading our brand assets such as photo, logos, graphics, and templates. This digital asset management system, DAM, is a tool designed to provide you with access to all of our GHC digital assets.

To access, visit Click the blue “GHC staff click here to login” box and use your SSO credentials. Here is a video that show how to use use the portal.

For event photos, use the GHC flickr page.

GHC Email Signature Builder

All emails and other communications from GHC faculty and staff should follow the visual brand guidelines. This email signature builder tool makes it easy to create a professional, on-brand email signature in just a few clicks. Once your signature is generated, simply copy and paste it into your Outlook signature settings to start using it immediately.

GHC Branded Powerpoint Template

The Marcom office requests that employees use our branded template when creating powerpoint presentations. GHC employees can download the templates on the Intranet (by logging in).

GHC Branded Word Template

The Marcom office requests that employees use our branded template whenever creating word documents for distribution. GHC employees can download the templates on the Intranet (by logging in).

Promoting Your Event

The Marcom office provides assistance for marketing and promoting campus events. You can download our guide for more information by clicking here.

Weather and Emergency Notifications

The Marcom office is responsible for sending out inclement weather notifications. Learn more about how information is communicated about inclement weather closings/delays and campus emergencies by clicking here.

Student Photo and Video Policy

Occasionally the Marcom office will take photos or videos of various programs, around campus, or at off-campus events for use in official marketing materials and on social media. Students who do not wish to have their photo taken must notify the photographer of their wishes. Otherwise, it is assumed that the student approves use of his or her image in college marketing materials.

GHC Virtual Meeting Backgrounds

If you are using Teams in an official capacity and would like to use a branded background featuring GHC, please visit the download page on the Intranet for instructions and backgrounds.