Front-Line Leadership Certificate Program

Professor instructing classroom


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Customized for your front-line leaders, our three-hour workshops are designed to provide essential skills for success. Presented in easily digestible segments, these workshops concentrate on crucial abilities that deliver significant results without interrupting your team’s daily workflow.

Instructor: A national presenter, Dr. Tina Brush has over 30 years of consulting and training experience. She has worked with many organizations throughout the Midwest and Southeast as well as overseas.

Workshops may be taken in any order. Completing all ten workshops within one year is necessary to obtain the certificate.


“Making the Transition – Becoming the “Boss”

  • Distinguish among “doing,” “managing,” and “leading”
  • Learn the expectations of a front-line leader
  • Understand the five levels of leadership
  • Appreciate the value of creating your leadership brand

Inclusive Leadership

  • Distinguish between diversity and inclusion
  • Recognize the presence of unconscious biases
  • Appreciate the skills required in an inclusive workplace

Leading Others – Creating a Motivating Climate

  • Distinguish between performance gaps caused by skill deficiencies versus “will” deficiencies
  • Deliver meaningful feedback to redirect performance when performance outcomes do not meet expectations
  • Distinguish between expressing appreciation and giving praise
  • Deliver meaningful praise and recognition for performance progress and accomplishments
  • Understand the delegation process and how to determine what delegation level is appropriate for the situation

Managing Yourself

  • Identify critical priorities for success as a leader
  • Understand the impact your natural interaction style has on others and how their interaction styles impact you
  • Learn how to adjust your approach to fit team members’ needs – and why this is important to your success
  • Distinguish between “urgent” and “important” demands and learn how to proactively manage competing demands

Communicating with Impact

  • Appreciate the need to communicate intentionally and recognize the goals of work conversation
  • Identify barriers to effective communication and ways to overcome them
  • Practice the skills required to build your conversational capacity
  • Use an effective strategy for addressing almost any workplace issue and achieve desired outcomes

Leading Others – Developing Skills

  • Learn the situational leadership approach
  • Distinguish between directing and supporting behaviors
  • Deliver effective direction and job instruction
  • Know when to direct and when to coach

Dealing with Difficult People

  • Understand what makes difficult people act in challenging ways
  • Develop strategies to minimize the effects of difficult behavior on your team’s performance
  • Establish zero tolerance for workplace bullying and harassment
  • Conduct difficult conversations to achieve productive results

Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

  • Distinguish between symptoms and problems to focus on the root cause
  • Understand your role in managing the problem-solving/decision-making process
  • Choose the appropriate decision-making approach
  • Create a culture of accountability

Dealing with Conflict

  • Reduce team members’ fear and insecurity when dealing with change
  • Defuse anger and reduce defensiveness in tense situations
  • Identify and act on the root causes of conflict using the appropriate resolution strategies
  • Facilitate conflict resolution among team members

Navigating Change

  • Understand the two faces of change
  • Appreciate the Change Curve from the human and business perspectives
  • Learn from best practices of successful change initiatives
  • Apply strategies and develop a plan for leading changes impacting your team

Contact Us

For further information on any class or to register, please call 678-872-8240, email or use the following form.