Testing Dates and Registration

View dates and register for TEAS at ATI Testing.

When you create an account, be sure to search for GA Highlands College as your institution.

Log in to using your ATI username and password and select the online store. Then choose Register for the TEAS (through a school).

You must select TEAS for Nursing Students to view offerings at GHC. The tests for Nursing and Dental Hygiene are the same. Your scores will be accessible to both the Nursing and Dental Hygiene departments.

Once you register and pay the testing fees, a confirmation email will be sent to you from ATI.

If you have problems with registration or payment, please contact ATI at

Exam Description

The ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) is designed specifically to assess a student's preparedness for entering the health science fields. TEAS is part of the admissions requirements for GHC's nursing program. Since 2020, TEAS is also a part of the admissions requirements for GHC's dental hygiene program. You may find more information about GHC's nursing program and GHC's dental hygiene program on their websites.

Test Preparation

TEAS Preparation can be found on ATI's website:

Who is the exam for?

ATI TEAS at Georgia Highlands College is open to all testers. You do not need to be a GHC student to take the TEAS.

What GHC locations offer this exam? When is the test offered?

TEAS is offered at our Cartersville and Floyd locations.

What if I am not near a GHC location?

TEAS is a national, standardized test. You may take the test at any authorized testing center or school. Please visit ATI's website about registering for the test at another location.

How much does this exam cost and where can I pay?


  • Charges for the exam will be paid to ATI through their online store. You should create an ATI account before registering for TEAS. Detailed instructions can be found on the ATI website, How to Register for the TEAS
  • If you have problems with registration or payment, please contact ATI at

What items can I have during the test?

You are required to have a government-issued photo ID with signature (driver's license, passport, state ID, military ID) that is current and valid.

You are required to have your ATI login information. You will need to create a student account at prior to test day and be able to log in to your ATI account.

You are allowed pencils and one piece of scratch paper.

How will I get my scores? What do my scores mean?

Upon completion of the online version of the TEAS test, your test will be scored immediately, allowing you to view your TEAS score report at that time. You may access your ATI TEAS Score Report at any time through your ATI Account under My Results.

A minimum of a 70 composite score on the ATI TEAS test is required for acceptance to the GHC Nursing program.

Beginning in 2020, a minimum of a 65 composite score on the ATI TEAS test is required for acceptance to the GHC Dental Hygiene program.