Sharing Documents With OneDrive for Business

Note: Always ensure that you’re using the OneDrive associated with your GHC email address. Personal OneDrive accounts do not offer the same level of protection for sharing files.

  1. Sign in to your Microsoft 365 account online at
  2. Click (or tap) on the OneDrive app.
  3. Click (or tap) on the Upload option in the OneDrive toolbar.

OneDrive's upload icon appears on the top menu bar.

  1. Select your document(s) then click (or tap) open. The file will upload after a few moments and be available for sharing with OneDrive.
  2. For each file that you’d like to share, select the file then click (or tap) on the Send Link option that appears to the right of the file’s name.

The Send Link icon in OneDrive appears when a file is selected.

  1. Change the default sharing permissions from ‘Anyone with the link’ to ‘Specific People’ and click (or tap) Apply. You may choose to uncheck ‘allow editing’ if you’d like.

OneDrive allows you to restrict sharing links to specific individual(s).

  1. Specify the individuals who should have access. Once you’ve included everyone, click on the Copy Link option in the bottom left corner of this window.

The Copy Link option in the Send Link menu .

  1. Paste this link in an email message or chat message to your intended recipient(s).

You can send your OneDrive link safely by email or instant message.

  1. Once you confirm your intended recipients have downloaded the file, delete it from your OneDrive account. This important last step prevents a data breach from occurring if an attacker ever gains access to your account through a system compromise or other malicious activity.

Note: Student OneDrive accounts are de-provisioned and removed (along with student email access) two semesters after a student graduates or no longer attends classes at GHC.