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Guest Wireless

Please read the following items:

This guest Wi-Fi network is provided as a free, rate-limited service and at the sole discretion of Georgia Highlands College. By using this network, you agree to the Georgia Highlands College Acceptable Use Policy and Standard below. Violation of these policies will result in your access being disconnected, suspended, and/or permanently revoked.

This Wi-Fi network is not private or secured and users should have no expectation of privacy. Communications over this network are subject to monitoring by Georgia Highlands College, the institution’s Internet service provider, and the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.

GHC Students: visit [wireless setup instructions page] for information about connecting to our student Wi-Fi network for faster, more secure Wi-Fi access.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure compliance with the requirements and standards defined in the IT Acceptable Use Standard.This policy sets forth the principles that govern appropriate use of systems and information technology resources at Georgia Highlands College. These resources are intended to support the educational, instructional, research, and administrative activities of the institution and their use is granted as a privilege. These resources are the property of the state of Georgia and the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. All users are bound by Georgia Highlands College and Board of Regents policies and must also comply with applicable state and federal laws. This policy serves as a general framework for information security with specific, supporting policies governing the use of systems and information technology resources. Inappropriate use of technology resources exposes Georgia Highlands College to risks to the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of systems and data.


This policy applies to all users of Georgia Highlands’ technology-related resources including, but not limited to, faculty, staff, students, alumni, guests or agents of the institution and any external individuals or organizations accessing these resources. Any device that is capable of being connected locally or remotely to a campus network or transmitting data via the campus data networks either by wired or wireless means is subject to this policy.

Policy Statement

Acceptable use of Georgia Highlands College systems and information technology resources requires that users behave ethically and with academic integrity. Users must respect intellectual property and ownership of content and agree to comply with institution policies, procedures, regulations, and guidelines. Users must also act responsibly, respect others’ rights to privacy and freedom from intimidation and harassment, and do their part to maintain the security and integrity of these resources.


Georgia Highlands College makes every effort to protect the privacy of information on institution systems and networks. The institution reserves the right to take appropriate actions necessary to protect the integrity and security of these assets. This includes the right to monitor and record user activity on systems, networks, and workstations and immediately disconnect any device that is causing disruption or being used in violation of any policies or laws. In addition, if it is determined that an individual may be in violation of the law or Georgia Highlands College policies, his or her institution-issued device(s), accounts, records, and logs will be subject to review and analysis with approval of the Executive Leadership Team. Information contained on equipment or passing over campus networks, including but not limited to electronic communication, is subject to monitoring and examination. This information may also be disclosed for audit, legal, open records requests, or other management purposes.


Inappropriate use may result in the loss of system and information technology resource privileges and may include additional disciplinary action up to and including dismissal, expulsion, and/or criminal prosecution. If there is evidence indicating a user is engaged in activities which may pose an imminent threat to the health and safety of another or adversely affects the availability, confidentiality, or integrity of data on institution systems and information technology resources, the Vice President for Information Technology, in consultation with one or more members of IT leadership, may authorize the suspension of a user’s privileges until the incident is properly examined and resolved. Executive leadership, including the Chief Human Resources Officer, will be notified of these incidents.

Acknowledgement of Policy

By use of any technology-related resource, users agree to comply with this and all other information security-related policies.

Please refer to the IT Acceptable Use Policy under GHC’s Information Technolgy Policies in the GHC Policy and Procedure Manual.

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