English 1101
ENGL 1101
Prerequisites: Completion of English 020 or 0099 with a grade of C or better, or SAT Verbal score of 480, CPE score of 78, COMPASS score of 60, or BSE score of 68
Course Description: English 1101 is the first credit-level course in college composition. The course instruction is in the mechanics and principles of standard usage. English 1101 emphasizes the argumentative and expository modes, providing practice in both clear thinking and effective communication.
Course Requirements: Students are required to read all assigned material by the date each appears on the calendar. Students will be assigned six essays, all of which must be completed to successfully exit the course. A study of basic grammar elements, research methods and documentation, and literature will be included in the course. There will also be exams over materials covered and journal writings. Students will also be expected to complete all classwork and homework as assigned.