ACCT 2102 Online

General Information for ACCT 2102 Online Class

Annette Maddox, MAcc, CPA

Associate Professor of Accounting

Online ACCT 2102 is designed for those who need flexibility in their schedule, feel comfortable communicating by email, have excellent computer skills, and are self-motivated.  It is a great way to learn at home with a course based on individual assignments and collaborative discussions with fellow students.

MANDATORY ONLINE orientation will be held within D2L. Students must logon to D2L and complete the “START HERE” module a set date during the first week of classes or will be dropped from the course, NO EXCEPTIONS. You must have excellent computer skills, regularly check email, and logon to the Course in D2L at least 4 times per week. Students are required to purchase a software package that accompanies the textbook for homework assignments. All Exams will be taken and proctored in the D2L course site using Respondus LockDown Browser with Respondus Monitor.  This will require you to have a Webcam, audio microphone, and a private location within your home.

Computer System Requirements

You are expected to have a reliable computer and Internet provider at your home. As a student in this class, your computer system must meet the following requirements

  • Windows: 8, 7, Vista, XP
  • Mac: OS X 10.6 or higher
  • Internet Explorer (Windows) or Safari (Mac) must function properly   on the computer
  • Adobe Flash Player
  • Web camera (internal or external) & microphone
  • A broadband wired Internet connection

If your system does not meet these requirements, you will need make arrangements to take this course in another format.


Exams will be taken and proctored in the D2L course site using Respondus LockDown Browser with Respondus Monitor.  This will require you to have a Webcam, audio microphone, and a private location within your home. This should be a location that you can physically attach your computer to a wired connection.  During the “Getting Started” activities of the first week, you will be required to download Respondus LockDown Browser and test your system with a practice quiz. This practice quiz will count as a real quiz grade!

Watch a Video On Respondus LockDown Browser at

Notice: Tests cannot be taken in a computer lab at GHC, library, or other institution!  If you do not have a private location for testing, you will need make arrangements to take this course in another format.

What is this course about?

It is a study of the underlying theory and application of managerial accounting concepts.

What is the work load?

Since this is a 3 hour course, in general, students can expect to spend 3 to 12 hours a week involved in course work.  You can expect to spend closer to 12 hours each week on this course.

What about the Course Materials and delivery?

The course usesD2L to deliver the syllabus, module directions, notes, quizzes, tests, projects, and discussion area.  The homework will be submitted using CengageNOW. All exams will be taken in D2L with Respondus LockDown Browser with Respondus Monitor. It is your responsibility to make sure your computer has all the requirements to support D2L. Consideration or accommodation will not be made for your computer skills deficiencies or technical issues.  Technical issues are not a reason to miss a homework assignment, quiz or test.  Do not wait to the last minute to submit assignments, take quizzes or exams.  ALWAYS HAVE A BACKUP IN MIND. Know your backup plan BEFORE a problem arises.  You are expected to solve technical problems with your computer, Internet access, or in using CengageNOW.

Am I ready for an online class? Will you be successful in this course?

If this is your first online course, I would highly recommend that you take the Readiness for Education At a Distance Indicator (READI) to assess your readiness, your goals, and your learning preferences.

You can find the READI at

On that page you will find several User Names and Passwords.  Select and use the one that best fits your major area of study.  When the READI opens, you will notice a navigation bar on the left side. The items listed in the bar are the areas that you will be measured on by the indicator.  At the end, a report will be displayed which you can use to help you prepare to be successful as a distance-learning student.

Mandatory Attendance: 

Your attendance is all online.

Required Materials:

Text (required): You are required to purchase software called CengageNOWv2. This includes the digital textbook and online software where you will complete a study plan and homework for each module. It also includes many supplements to help you learn the material in an online environment.

CengageNOWv2, 2 terms (12 months) Printed Access for Warren’s Financial & Managerial Accounting, 13th Edition

AUTHORS: Warren/Reeve/Duchac – ©2016 ISBN: 9781305267831Typical Assignments

You will complete 11 modules, with weekly homework assignments and quizzes.  There are 3 online exams and a final exam.

Preparing  Homework Assignments:

By enrolling in an online course, you have accepted more responsibility for your education. The content is the same as the course offered on campus, but most of your learning will be a direct result of your reading and the careful working of assigned problems in the textbook.

Accounting is basically a problem-solving discipline, and the key to learning the subject is to work problems. The importance of working chapter exercises and problems cannot be overemphasized. Your success in this course will be directly related to the time and effort you spend on working the assigned problems. Since the examination questions cover many of the same concepts contained in the assigned problems, I encourage you to be diligent in your preparation of these assignments.

Each assignment consists of readings and one or more exercises and/or problems related to them. You will complete the assignment and submit it in CengageNOW.  I must emphasize that the problems are self-teaching devices; it is important that you complete them as carefully and thoroughly as possible. Be sure you understand everything you have done.

Please prepare your assignments as described below:

1.    No substitute text may be used. Read the text carefully before you attempt to answer any of the assigned problems. Your first duty is to study the text yourself. I will not answer questions until you have read the chapter and gone through the powerpoint presentation available on the text’s website.  You should also work the pre/post test in CengageNOW and the customized study plan.

2.    Every student must purchase an CengageNOW code and submit homework through the CengageNOW Website.


Exams                60%

Homework          10%

Study Plans         5%

Quizzes               8%

Discussion Posts 2%

Final Exam      15%

Total               100%