GACE Virtual Statewide Career Fair on November 10th!

With graduation approaching for some of you (cohort 3), I wanted to announce one of the largest career fairs taking place in November. (normally done in April of each year)
The GHC BBA Program partners with over 50 colleges and universities across the state of Georgia each year to host the GACE (Georgia Association of Colleges and Employers) Statewide Career Fair.
This year, it will be held on:
Tuesday, November 10th
Career Eco
A variety of employers will be seeking college students and graduates for internships, part-time jobs, and full-time jobs. Graduate schools also participate in this event.
If you are seeking a summer internship or a full-time job, this is an EXCELLENT opportunity for you to connect with employers in one location! Note that some of these companies do NOT come to campus to recruit, and this is one additional way to connect. This event is open to all students.
-Registration is required.
-Professional attire is encouraged. A conservative business suit is your best.
We hope you will join us! Visit this link to register or to view additional information information
We hope you will consider this opportunity!