This Week In Wellness

Kick off your week by joining us today (6/22) at 10:00 am for the GHC Wellness sponsored KEPRO event: Optimizing Your Team Performance and Motivating Your Team. Event description: This session explores the role leadership plays in optimizing performance and motivating others. Participants will learn methods to achieve success in guiding and motivating others, while […]

Next Week In Wellness

Mark your calendars for next week’s exciting Wellness events: Date Time Sponsor Activity Monday, 6/22 10:00 – 11:00 am GHC Wellness/KEPRO Optimizing Your Team Performance and Motivating Your Team Monday, 6/22 11:30 am – 12:30 pm KEPRO Moving More: Ways to Combat a Sedentary Lifestyle Tuesday, 6/23 12:00 – 12:30 pm USG Well-being Body Bootcamp […]

Emotional and Mental Health

Did you know USG provides an employee assistance program to employees and family members with free, comprehensive support and confidential counseling 24/7/365 through the KEPRO Employee Assistance Program (EAP)? You can receive up to 4 free counseling sessions per issue, along with unlimited work/life support resources. Call 844-243-4440 or visit the website and enter […]

Social Justice – KEPRO Article

From the Employee Assistance Program KEPRO article, “Social Justice”: “Updated June 12—A wave of protests across the nation has prompted many individuals and organizations to reevaluate how they can support their black friends, coworkers, and others impacted by racism. While people may be unsure how to begin, a sensitive, honest conversation can often be a […]

Today: Midday Mindfulness – Guided Meditation w/ Body Scan

Join us today 12:00 – 12:20 pm for a guided meditation with body scan. Click the link to join: Be sure to check out the other well-being events this week:   Date Time Sponsor Activity Wednesday, 6/17 11:00 am – 12:00 pm KEPRO Effective Stress Management Wednesday, 6/17 12:00 – 12:20 pm GHC Wellness Guided […]

Required Return to Campus Training

It is necessary for employees preparing to return to on-site work arrangements to complete (and acknowledge) the short Covid-19 Training for Employees and Managers module in D2L. To access this training: Go to and login with your network credentials. Select the Covid-19 Required Training for Employees and Managers course. Read the Announcement. Click the “Covid-19 Training” […]

Today – Effective Stress Management Webinar

Join us today (6/16) at 1:00 pm for the GHC Wellness sponsored KEPRO event: Effective Stress Management Event description: Working under excessive pressure for a prolonged period of time can result in chronic stress and have a significant adverse impact on our mental and physical health. Without understanding the stress response, it can be difficult to develop healthy coping […]

Next Week in Wellness

Mark your calendars for the upcoming Wellness events: Date Time Sponsor Activity Monday, 6/15 10:00 – 11:00 am GHC Wellness/KEPRO Managing High-Performance Virtual Teams Tuesday, 6/16 12:00 – 12:30 pm USG Well-being Core Yoga Tuesday, 6/16 1:00 – 2:00 pm GHC Wellness/KEPRO Effective Stress Management  Tuesday, 6/16 2:30 -3:30 pm USG Well-being Distrupting Negative Thoughts […]

Today: Midday Mindfulness – Office Desk Yoga

Join in today 12:00 – 12:20 pm for Midday Mindfulness. Today’s topic will discuss how yoga can be practiced at a desk or in a small space. With presentation/discussion, hand out and walk through of some of the exercises. Click the link to join: Be sure to check out the other wellness events happening […]

Today: Effective Communication in the Workplace Webinar

Join us today (6/9) at noon for the GHC Wellness sponsored KEPRO event: Effective Communication in the Workplace Event description: The ability to effectively communicate with others is one of the most powerful tools for personal and professional success. Most people are challenged by the many day-to-day interactions with co-workers, family, and friends. Emotions, communication […]