CETL: “Caring for Self and Students” is Tomorrow!

Caring for Self and Students Tues, Apr 13  |   4:00-5:15 pm, Zoom   |   Facilitators: Angie Wheelus & Josie Baudier This workshop is a combination of two previous workshops offered in February and March. Join Angie and Josie to discuss emotions, stress and how you may see them in students and yourselves, identify how these experiences […]

Quarantine After International Travel

We know most of us will not be traveling but if you are planning a trip out of the country, or have traveled recently, it is safest to stay home when you return for 10 days after travel. If you have recently traveled internationally or are planning a trip, be sure to contact HR_COVID-19@highlands.edu. Read […]


Primary updates to share this week include 1) need for volunteers and 2) safety protocols. Staff volunteers are needed at Floyd Campus for Wednesday set-up details (May 12) and for Thursday commencement details (May 13). Staff should confirm approval with their supervisor and then email Bradley Gilmore at bgilmore@highlands.edu with their approved date and availability. […]

Next Week In Wellness

Be sure to mark your calendars for next week’s exciting Wellness events: Date Time Sponsor Activity Monday, 4/12 11:30 am USG Well-being Yoga (All Levels) Tuesday, 4/13 10:00 am USG Well-being Office Stretch Break Tuesday, 4/13 12:30 pm Kiser Permanente Family Health (Session Password: Thrive123) Wednesday, 4/14 12:00 pm USG Well-being Well-being Wednesday: How to […]

HR Policy Spotlight – Leave for Blood Donations

A regular employee, as defined by the Human Resources Administrative Practice Manual, who works one-half time or more, is allowed a leave of absence, without loss of pay, for the purpose of donating blood with his/her supervisor’s approval. Georgia Highlands College encourages employees to understand the Blood Donation Leave types available to them and the […]

CETL: Caring for Self and Students

Caring for Self and Students Tues, Apr 13  |   4:00-5:15 pm, Zoom   |   Facilitators: Angie Wheelus & Josie Baudier This workshop is a combination of two previous workshops offered in February and March. Join Angie and Josie to discuss emotions, stress and how you may see them in students and yourselves, identify how these experiences […]


TAP applications for 2021 SUMMER & MAYMESTER  are due April 15th. – Following is the link to download and complete the TAP Application: Employee Application for Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) If you are a Part-Time Nursing Faculty please use the following link: Part-Time Nursing Faculty Tuition Assistance Program Application – Only E-mail your TAP application to: dmendoza@highlands.edu Please note: Employee ID number is […]

Covid 19 Vaccines and Governor’s Executive Order No.

The University System of Georgia (USG) announced April 1, 2019 that in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order No., all USG employees, with the exception of temporary and student workers, may use Non-Closure Emergency Leave for the purpose of COVID-19 vaccinations. • Eligible employees may take up to eight (8) hours of Non-Closure Emergency […]


FMLA allows employees to balance their work and family lives by taking reasonable unpaid* leave for certain family and medical reasons. The FMLA seeks to accomplish this in a manner that accommodates the legitimate interests of employers, minimizes the potential for employment discrimination on the basis of gender, while promoting equal employment opportunity for men […]