Extra Health and Safety Measures at GHC

GHC is increasing health and safety measures in the #ChargeAhead this semester. As we help our students continue #TakingCharge at GHC, the college will prioritize the safety of the students, faculty, and staff as we do our part to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and fulfill GHC’s mission to graduate our students.

New Promotion and Tenure Policies for Faculty

As you may be aware, we have been in the process of updating our policies and procedures across the college.  To that end a new publicly available website has been published that organizes these by functional area and can be found at  https://sites.highlands.edu/policy-manual/ While eventually all of our documents will be moved there, currently IT […]

USG e-clips for August 5, 2020

University System News: The Red & Black UGA administration discusses self-isolation, economic impacts, class formats for fall semester Jacqueline GaNun | News Editor A Tuesday Zoom call between members of the University of Georgia administration began with questions directed to the president of the university: “What scares you about this fall? What keeps you up […]

USG e-clips for August 6, 2020

University System News: Athens CEO UGA President Commits an Additional $250,000 to Emergency Funds for Students in Need Staff Report As the University of Georgia prepares for students to return for class on August 20, President Jere W. Morehead has committed $250,000 in private discretionary support to two emergency funds benefitting students who are experiencing […]

Face Coverings Required on Campus

In the best interest of the health and safety of our community and based on instructions from the USG, effective July 15th all GHC employees and students must wear face coverings when inside GHC buildings (see usg.edu/coronavirus for more details). For more information about GHC’s return to campus and other coronavirus information please visit chargeahead.highlands.edu

Retirement Mid-Year Important Updates

Teachers Retirement System- Contribution Rates In its annual meeting held May 13, 2020, the Teachers Retirement System Board of Trustees adopted the following employee and employer contribution rates for FY2022.  FISCAL YEAR 2022 TRS Contribution Rates – Effective July 1, 2021 Employer Contribution Rate 19.81% Employee Contribution Rate 6.00%   The Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) […]

Biweekly Payroll Reminder

Good Morning, Timesheet Approval for All Biweekly Employees  Biweekly Employees: Please enter all time worked for the July 26 – August 08, 2020 pay period by 4:00pm, Thursday, August 6th.  Additionally, all absence requests must be entered by 4:00pm, Thursday, August 6th.  Employees no longer need to approve their own timesheet, however, employees will not […]

Return To Campus FAQs Update

The GHC Return to Campus FAQs have recently been updated. Below is a excerpt from the most recent updated version: Access the full version of the FAQs page here. For more information about our return to campus and other coronavirus information please visit chargeahead.highlands.edu.  If you have any questions, contact our dedicated COVID-19 Human Resources email: HR_COVID-19@highlands.edu. […]

USG e-clips for August 4, 2020

University System News: 13WMAZ Middle Georgia State’s move-in day plans for students returning in person Students will move into the brand new Lakeview Pointe residence hall Aug. 7 with safety guidelines in place. Author: Pepper Baker Alexandria Walker will be moving into the new Lakeview Pointe residential hall on Middle Georgia State’s Macon campus. “Oh […]