USG e-Clips from September 18, 2014

USG NEWS: Richard Hyatt: Columbus State needs to find new leader quickly BY RICHARD HYATT Special to the Ledger-Enquirer When the University System of Georgia is looking for a new president at one of its colleges or universities it often moves with the speed of a 300-pound sprinter on a muddy track. Frank […]

Co-ed Flag Football Teams and Schedule

You be receiving a call from the Athletic Student worker with more information. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Coach Merritt at 404-399-6363 or email at Co-Ed Flag Football Teams 2014-15 Space Monkey Mafia Katie Hatcher Emily Rader Jeremy Vaughn McCamey Hannah Riley Solomon Adam Hatcher-Captain Jaquan Taylor Dream Team Savanah […]

Save the Date

Please “Save the Date” for a Multidisciplinary Symposium on Terrorism in the Cartersville Student Center Ballroom Friday, October 10th from 9/9:30 to 12:30/1:00. Speakers will be coming from different perspectives such as online and presidential communication, current events and effects on everyday life for Palestinians in Lebanon, and Bio-terrorism/Science. The main goal of this symposium […]


…  saving for retirement! One of the most valuable employee benefits offered by the University System of Georgia is the option to save in a retirement plan that helps reduce your current taxes. A 403 (b) plan is a tax deferred retirement plan available to employees of public educational institutions and certain nonprofit organizations. Participating […]


Go Paperless and Go Green!

Enroll to receive your annual W-2 statements electronically. You can enroll at any time; however, to ensure you receive your 2014 W-2 statement electronically, you will need to enroll by December 31, 2014. You only need to enroll once. Refer to the job tool, Go Paperless, Enroll to Receive Annual W-2 Statements Electronically, for more […]
