Next Week @ CETL: Copyright, Alternative Grading, HIPs, DYOC

Copyright for Fun and (Non-)Profit Mon., February 6  |  2:00-3:00 pm, Zoom  |  Facilitator: Susanna Smith Copyright can be a confusing and challenging problem when dealing with classroom materials, especially online. This webinar will introduce you to some basic guidelines about educational fair use and how to apply those guidelines in your courses. After a […]

Front-Page February #2

 Check GHC Inform each day this month to anonymously test your ability to distinguish fact from fiction. The correct answer to each question will be posted in GHC Inform the following day. Don’t delay! Each question can accept up to 40 responses. Yesterday’s Results True: Students feel they learn more when taught in the […]

Tomorrow: What is ChatGPT?

What is ChatGPT? How should we teach in an age of AI? ChatGPT: Teaching & Learning in the Age of AI Thursday, February 2  |  4-5 pm Panelists: Emily Boles, eLearning Specialist, Center for Online Learning, Research, and Service (University of Illinois Springfield) Dr. Cynthia Alby, Professor of Education, Faculty Director of GC Journeys (Georgia […]

Front-Page February #1

How much do you know about learning? Check GHC Inform each day this month to test your ability to distinguish fact from fiction. The correct answer to each question will be posted in GHC Inform the following day.  Don’t delay! Each question can accept up to 40 responses.

Today: Strategies for Managing Burnout

Strategies for Managing Burnout Facilitator: Jessica Wright  |  Jan 31, 2023 03:30 PM  Many of us wear multiple hats in our professional and personal lives which can sometimes cause us to experience physical and emotional symptoms that are related specifically to burnout! Join us to discuss with trained counselors of GHC staff strategies for managing […]

What is ChatGPT?

What is ChatGPT? How should we teach in an age of AI? ChatGPT: Teaching & Learning in the Age of AI Thursday, February 2  |  4-5 pm Panelists: Emily Boles, eLearning Specialist, Center for Online Learning, Research, and Service (University of Illinois Springfield) Dr. Cynthia Alby, Professor of Education, Faculty Director of GC Journeys (Georgia […]