Many people try to use language they think is disability-friendly, but it may actually be disrespectful to the disability community. People-first, disability-friendly terminology is language that promotes inclusivity. Many well-meaning, dedicated people inadvertently use misguided language can unintentionally promote exclusion, instead of inclusion. GHC is committed to a culture of inclusivity, and it takes employees […]
Author Archives: tcavende
Disability Myths – TODAY!
Everybody’s fighting some kind of stereotype, and people with disabilities are no exception. The difference is that barriers people with disabilities face begin with people’s attitudes — attitudes often rooted in misinformation and misunderstandings about what it’s like to live with a disability. GHC is committed to a culture of inclusivity, and it takes every […]
HR Policy Spotlight – Leave for Blood Donations
A regular employee, as defined by the Human Resources Administrative Practice Manual, who works one-half time or more, is allowed a leave of absence, without loss of pay, for the purpose of donating blood with his/her supervisor’s approval. Georgia Highlands College encourages employees to understand the Blood Donation Leave types available to them and the […]
Disability Myths
Everybody’s fighting some kind of stereotype, and people with disabilities are no exception. The difference is that barriers people with disabilities face begin with people’s attitudes — attitudes often rooted in misinformation and misunderstandings about what it’s like to live with a disability. GHC is committed to a culture of inclusivity, and it takes every […]
RETIREMENT@WORK – Everything for your USG Retirement Plans on one location.
Would you like to open an investment, view your balances or make changes to your supplemental retirement plans? View and manage your investments through Retirement@Work. Retirement@Work User Guide 5.2020
A New Arrival
Lee Williams, from the Facilities Division, welcomed new daughter, Rylee Ann Williams on April 13th weighing 6.7 lbs. Congratulations!
Mark Your Calendars – Disability Myths
Everybody’s fighting some kind of stereotype, and people with disabilities are no exception. The difference is that barriers people with disabilities face begin with people’s attitudes — attitudes often rooted in misinformation and misunderstandings about what it’s like to live with a disability. GHC is committed to a culture of inclusivity, and it takes every […]
Telehealth Options
Both Anthem and Kaiser Permanente offer telehealth options. If you have nonemergency healthcare concerns, telehealth can be a good option. While COVID-19 cannot be confirmed through virtual or remote care, provider teams can help with screening symptoms, assign risk, answer questions and recommend the next steps. USG is continuing to cover all telehealth visits, including […]
Livongo is a new vendor Partner for the USG Healthcare plans for employees, retirees under age 65, and their covered spouses who are enrolled in the Anthem plans. Livongo combines advanced technology and one-on-one coaching. There are three program offerings: Diabetes Management Diabetes Prevention Weight Management There is no cost to employees (or spouses) for participating in these […]
Passing of a Retiree
It is with great sadness that I announce that Dr. Jim Cook, retiree of GHC, original faculty at the college and Professor of History Emeritus , passed away Friday, April 9, 2021. He taught history at Georgia State University for four years until 1970 when he became one of the original faculty members at Floyd […]