Instructors, could you spare 2 minutes to remind students about CPOS: Course Program of Study Reporting in your classes this week? Below is the information already being communicated to students. Please share with them and remind them of the importance of checking their emails and reading texts and GHC Inform for students. Thank you! Federal […]
Author Archives: gfloyd
CPOS Reporting Begins the Week of March 6: Top Five Things to Know
CPOS reporting begins with Summer 2023 registration. Financial Aid will begin emailing students with courses not eligible for federal financial aid on March 7. Students will see the specific courses on their schedule that are not eligible for federal financial on the Schedule Bill and in SCORECard. CPOS deadlines to submit program of study (pathway) […]
CPOS: Top Five Things to Know
CPOS reporting begins with Summer 2023 registration. Students learn about courses on their schedule that are not eligible for federal financial aid via email, Schedule Bill, SCORECard, and MyGHC. CPOS deadlines to submit program of study (pathway) change requests and substitution forms are on the Academic Calendar starting with the Summer 2023 semester. Find more […]
CPOS: How Will CPOS Impact Faculty and Staff?
Join us at 3pm today during Charger Chats to learn more about what CPOS means for you! Need the link? Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 973 4344 1328 Passcode: Chats
CPOS: How will Course Program of Study Impact Students?
Over 50% of GHC students rely on federal financial aid for their college expenses. Courses that do not apply towards a student’s officially declared program of study (pathway) will be ineligible for federal financial aid. Those students, especially, will need to keep the following in mind: The deadline to declare a program of student (pathway) […]
CPOS: What is Course Program of Study?
U.S. Department of Education (ED) regulations require that a student must be enrolled in a degree-seeking pathway/program of study to receive federal financial aid (Grants, Loans, Work-Study). Funds will only be disbursed for courses needed to fulfill the program of study requirements. Course Program of Study (CPoS) is the process that is run to identify […]