Reminder that Monday, January 16, 2023 is the Martin Luther King Holiday. The 2023 Holiday calendar is on the GHC Intranet at: As payroll sent out earlier, we are allowed 8 hours holiday pay for 01/16/2023. You have two options to make up the 9 required hours for that day. 1. You will need to […]
Author Archives: ditkow
Family Dynamics during the holidays
Family Dynamics During the Holidays The period between Thanksgiving and New Years can be both joyous and overwhelming. Managing tension among family members is probably the number one source of stress for most people. The following are some tips to help you take care of yourself and enjoy your holidays. 1. Remember that you have […]
Remote Work agreement
Email went out yesterday with the Remote work request form. Staff should complete online Teleworking Request and submit a brief narrative to that outlines proposed remote work plans that ensures on-campus services are not interrupted. Staff should work with their manager to complete both. Please submit both by December 12th. Plans and requests […]
Thanksgiving Holiday
GHC has three holidays with pay for all full-time benefit eligible employees next week for the Thanksgiving holiday. Wednesday and Thursday eight (8) hour paid holidays. Friday will be four (4) hours. Since the normal workday is 9 hours, employees will need to: • Request vacation for the 1 hour for Wednesday and ThursdayOR• Work […]
Answer to Friday EAW question
Friday’s answer: Today’s question concerned the USG’s Conflict of Interest Policy. Which of the following statement(s) are true? A. USG employees have an ongoing responsibility to report and fully disclose any personal, professional, or financial interest that has the potential to create an actual or apparent conflict of interest with respect to the employee’s USG […]
Friday Ethics Question
Thursday’s Answer: Today’s question was about political activities by USG employees. True or False: Q: The Board of Regents Policy on Political Activities was revised this year and continues to protect an employee’s right of free expression but does require employees to take reasonable steps so that their expression of political views does not give […]
Thursday EAW Question
Wednesday’s Answer: Thank you for participating in today’s Ethics Awareness Week question. Listed below is the answer to today’s ethics question. Today’s question was about the USG Ethics Policy. Q: Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. USG employees must be good stewards of the resources and information entrusted to our care. B. […]
Ethics Awareness Week Wednesday Question
Answer to Tuesday’s question: Tuesday’s Answer: Thank you for participating in today’s Ethics Awareness Week question. Listed below is the answer to today’s ethics question. Participate each day this week to test your ethics and compliance awareness. Today’s question was about travel by USG employees. Q: Which of the following statements are true: A. Employees […]
Ethics Awareness Week Question of the Day
Please see below for today’s ethics awareness question. Today’s question concerns travel by USG employees.Q: Which of the following statements are true: A. Employees must have written authorization in advance from the Chancellor or designee to attend trainings and conferences paid for by vendors.B. Prior approval is required for lodging that is within 50 miles […]
EAW-Panel November 10th
Ethics Awareness Week Best Practices Panel Plan to watch this virtually. Link will be provided later. Ethics & Compliance Panel Discussion“Steering an Ethical Culture”Through Rapid Change & The Great ResignationThursday, Nov. 10, 202211AM-12PM, Virtually Hostedcontinuing education credits available PanelistRon CarruciCo-Founder & Managing PartnerNavalent PanelistDr. Sri RamamoortiAssociate Professor, AccountingUniversity of Dayton – Ohio PanelistDr. Juanita Hicks, […]