Making Student Presentations Easier with Microsoft 365

A great way to reduce the amount of Microsoft 365 sign-ins and shuffling of USB drives during class presentations is with the File Request feature in OneDrive for Business. All GHC faculty single sign-on accounts have access to the OneDrive for Business app- you can visit yours by going to or by visiting and clicking on the Apps icon in the top left corner of the webpage.

With File Request, you can choose a folder where your students can upload files using a link that you send them. Students you request files from can only upload files; they can’t see the content of the folder, edit, delete, or download files, or even see who else has uploaded files. Here’s how to set things up:

Step 1: Create a new Folder using the Add New button on the top left corner and give the folder an appropriate, easy-to-find name:

Create a Folder prompt in OneDrive for Business

Step 2: Select your new folder and then click on Request Files in the ribbon menu that appears above the list of files in your account.

The Request Files option appears in the menu once a folder is selected

Step 3: Create a short description of the request to students so they know what file or types of files they need to be uploading.

Provide a file request description when prompted

Step 4: Use the link provided by OneDrive in D2L or an email to your class. You’ll receive notifications as students upload files.

OneDrive will provide a shareable link for your file request.

Now all your student files are stored securely in a single folder, ready to be retrieved in your classroom on presentation day!

Additional resources:

Microsoft Support | Create a File Request

GHC Policy Manual | IT Data Classification and Security Policy