CETL: Conferences

Harvard: Getting—and Then Keeping—Students Engaged

Wed, March 31, 11am-12pm

Student engagement continues to be the primary concern for educators. In this webinar, Mike Roberto, professor and author of numerous simulations and multimedia cases, will talk about the many ways to successfully connect with students and leverage tech tools to create meaningful class discussions in online, hybrid, and in-person classes.

Gardner Institute: Socially Just Design in Postsecondary Education: A Series

Beginning March 22, 1-4:30 pm (attend any or all of the seven monthly meetings)

We can all agree that colleges and universities in the twenty-first century are not designed to optimally advance social justice and equity goals. The numbers speak for themselves. We have a problem. It is time to take action. It is time for a major equity-minded overhaul of higher education.

CETL Faculty Funding Information

Apply for funding from CETL to attend the Gardner Institute “Socially Just Design Series”, other conferences, or for your scholarly work needs. Many conferences currently offer reduced rates for virtual attendance and presentations. Consult the Teaching Conference Directory.