Stealth Exercises

Sitting at your desk all day can be taxing, especially when you are on that 10th virtual meeting of the day. Take some time to do a few “Stealth” exercises. Research has shown that daily exercise helps to reduce stress and can keep you motivated. Try a few of these next time you are in a long meeting:

Ab Clenches:

Take a deep breath and exhale. As
you exhale, tighten your abs. Hold for 10 seconds.
Repeat 8-10 times, and you’re on your way to a
stronger core.

Triceps Dips:

Place your hands on the edge of your
chair. Then hoist yourself up. Using your arms, slowly
lower yourself towards the floor and raise yourself up
again. Do this 10 times.

Paper Exercise:

Grab your nearest binder or book,
place it in between your knees, and flex your inner thighs
for a full minute. Repeat three times.

Glute Clenches:

When you’re in a meeting or at
your desk, just squeeze your gluteous maximus (your
“glutes”) as hard as you can. Yup, that’s it. Just tighten
your muscles for 15 seconds, release for 15 seconds,
then tighten again. Do this 10 times.

Check out for more daily activities and inspiration.

Download a pdf of these tips HERE