Happy National Walking Day!

The first Wednesday in April is National Walking Day and it encourages Americans of all ages to get out and stretch their legs and get their hearts pumping. The American Heart Association sponsors this day to remind people about the health benefits of taking a walk. Walking is great for your health, and you don’t need any fancy equipment or trendy fitness gear.

Celebrate by taking a 30-minute walk today!

Here are some and fun ways to get more walking into your day.

  1. Walk and talk. Need to return some calls?  Catch up on your calls while taking a walk.
  2. Walk the dog. Rather than let Fido run in the backyard, take him for a walk. You’ll both enjoy the fresh air and exercise.
  3. Walk at lunchtime. Get away from your home office and clear your head with a lunchtime walk. You can walk with family and pets or take some time for yourself.
  4. Create active family time. Get everyone together for a walk after dinner, rather than sitting down in front of the TV.
  5. Treat yourself to a pedometer or health tracker app. Invest in your health and keep yourself accountable by tracking how many steps you take per day.