Flu season not over as allergy season begins


Even as flu lingers (latest report shows that flu is still widespread in Georgia, although reported cases are becoming more sporadic in neighboring states of Alabama, Tennessee and South Carolina – see map), allergies are irritating our noses and throats:

Spring allergies are already making a comeback in the United States, as grass and tree pollen work their way south to north across the East.

Allergy season started early across Florida and Georgia, where high and very high pollen counts are being recorded. Pollen is likely to continue in these areas for much of spring with some high pollen days occurring now through April, according to AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Alan Reppert. “The highest pollen area is predicted over the Florida Panhandle into southern Georgia early in the season,” Reppert said.


So, if you are sniffling and sneezing, and you don’t want to risk a visit to doctor’s office to be exposed to the flu, remember the LiveHealth Kiosk is available on the Floyd Campus.

Contact Human Resources at 706-802-5136 for information.