Chad Johnson

Celebrating our Graduates: Floyd County police captain graduates with bachelor’s degree in Criminal  Justice

Captain Chad Johnson with the Floyd County Police Department is growing his knowledge and career potential by graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Georgia Highlands College (GHC). 

As a patrol supervisor and the current Floyd County SWAT Commander, Johnson ensures patrol officers have the tools necessary to complete their daily tasks while also developing the tactical planning of operations that go into safeguarding the community. 

While Johnson has gained extensive real-world experience and engages in ongoing police training, a degree in Criminal Justice will take his skillset to the next level. 

“I chose to pursue a degree in Criminal Justice in order to expand my knowledge and understanding in a field that would benefit my career path,” Johnson said. “With having some experience regarding criminal justice, I expected that the classes required for this field would be interesting and hold my interest throughout the program.” 

For example, Johnson said the program has helped to broaden his awareness in the many aspects that make up the criminal justice system. 

“By understanding all of the pieces that make the system, it has helped me to create a clearer purpose of my role in the system and the overall goal of the combined complex system that serves our communities,” Johnson said. “This degree has presented me with future opportunities within my department, such as being eligible to apply for the Master of Criminal Justice at Command College.” 

In addition, Johnson said he enjoyed the college’s class offerings in addition to Criminal Justice. 

“I found the projects assigned in astronomy to be very interesting and engaging,” Johnson said. “These projects required students to visit museums and participate in stargazing throughout the semester.” 

He recommends the Criminal Justice program to anyone seeking to expand their current knowledge of the field and said a key component aiding his success in the program was the guidance of GHC faculty and staff. 

“I think anyone wanting to or is currently pursuing a Criminal Justice degree with GHC should know that the faculty and staff assigned to this program exceed in ensuring that each student has all the tools and resources necessary to accomplish their degree,” Johnson said. 

Johnson also said while earning his degree in Criminal Justice required hard work and commitment, the flexibility of the program did not interfere with his work and personal life. 

“I would like to reassure those that may be on the fence that even if your schedule is full with work and family, you can still successfully complete this program and enjoy your life,” he said. “The staff are more than willing to help you set your schedule and recommend a class load that is suitable for you.” 

Georgia Highlands College will hold its 2023 commencement ceremonies on Thursday, May 11, at the Floyd Campus gym, 3175 Cedartown Hwy, Rome GA 30161. The 2023 commencement ceremonies will be held May 11 at 11AM and 7PM, with the Nursing pinning and commencement ceremony at 3PM. More information can be found on the commencement ceremony page regarding details, directions and campus guidelines. 

A livestream of the event will be available here.