Student Life Coordinator

This position’s primary responsibility is to coordinate student life activities for a Georgia Highlands College instructional site. For detailed information or to apply visit: Please visit the Internal Job Posting policy for eligibility requirements and other information.

USG eclips for January 29, 2018

University System News: Get Schooled with Maureen Downey Professional Association of Georgia Educators mourns death of Allene Magill Sad news from the Professional Association of Georgia Educators: Dr. Allene Magill, executive director of the Professional Association of Georgia Educators, passed away at home unexpectedly Saturday. “The PAGE family is overwhelmed and saddened today […]

Insurance Withholding Schedule for 10 Month Employees

INSURANCE WITHHOLDING SCHEDULE FOR 10 MONTH EMPLOYEES Please see the following excerpt from the USG Business Procedures Manual regarding deductions for 10-month employees. Ten month employees receive benefits for all 12 months of the calendar year, however, they only receive 10 paychecks. As a result, deductions have to be taken at an accelerated rate so […]

Flu risks

The flu epidemic continues. To avoid exposure to those already infected with the virus, you may want to utilize the online doctor services through BlueCrossBlueShield. Remember the Floyd campus also has a LiveHealth KIOSK so you can see a doctor, check your temperature, blood pressure, etc. without sitting in a waiting room. If you have […]

USG eclips for January 25, 2018

University System News: UGA president announces plans to help rural and low-income students By Eric Stirgus University of Georgia president Jere Morehead announced specific plans Wednesday to help two groups of students – those from rural areas of the state and financially-struggling seniors. Study: Most students admitted to KSU enroll there […]

USG eclips for January 24, 2018

University System News: New walking trail to connect Ga. Southern to Blue Mile By Staff Reports Georgia Southern University and the Statesboro community will soon be able to access campus and the Blue Mile, Statesboro’s downtown revitalization project, via a new walking trail scheduled for completion in early February. This Georgia town […]


The Georgia Highlands College men’s and women’s basketball teams will be playing to raise cancer awareness with a benefit game on February 7th in Rome at the GHC gym. The women will start at 5:30 p.m. followed by the men at 7:30 p.m. The benefit game is in honor of Dean of Natural Sciences and […]