Highlands Unlikely Hikers Fall Hikes will start in September

Promoting joy of hiking while lightly challenging our bodies. All levels of fitness are welcome. No one is left behind. Monthly Hikes Friday afternoons Fall and Spring Semesters. Hike info will be shared via GHC inform and Community Share but we also have a GroupME for easier overall coordination and communication. If you are interested […]

New Assistant Professor of Journalism and Communications

Please join us in welcoming Allison Hattaway to her role as an Assistant Professor of Journalism and Communications. Originally from Fairhaven, Massachusetts, she is a southern transplant who has called Rome her home since her time at Berry College where she earned a B.A. in communication and M.A. from Auburn University. During her time at […]

New Instructor of Biology

Please join us in welcoming Ericka Walczak to her role as an Instructor of Biology. Originally from Hudson, Michigan, a very small town about 45 minutes from Ann Arbor, she graduated from Adrian College (Adrian, Michigan) with a bachelor’s in Biology and Environmental Science in 2007. In 2018, she graduated from Clemson with a master’s […]

Give a Round of Applause

Please join us in congratulating the following individuals on their Professional Achievements! Terri Cavender – Master’s of Education in Instructional Technology from University of West Georgia Tony Gambill – Extron Control Specialist Certification AND Extron Control Professional Certification from Extron Electronics Tara Holdamf – Graduate Certificate in Digital Social Media from Kennesaw State University Seth […]

Help promote GHC’s new Cut College Costs video series

GHC is dedicated to helping students graduate career-ready with little to no debt. GHC’s new “Cut College Costs in 60 Seconds” video series helps students learn how to maximize their return on investment! We need your help getting the word out about this series. You can help by: Watching the video series at cutcosts.highlands.edu Liking […]

CETL Teaching Tips

I hope your classes are going well. CETL will be posting tips, articles, and information periodically throughout the semester. Feel free to reach out directly for more information. Here are a few tips for the beginning of the semester: Start learning your students’ names. This will help them feel like they belong in your class […]

GHC’s Holiday Pay Policy

Georgia Highlands observes 12 paid holidays each year for eligible employees. The president’s cabinet determines which holidays will be recognized and the schedule for each year is published on the Human Resources website. For more information see GHC’s Holiday Pay policy: https://sites.highlands.edu/ghcinform/wp-content/uploads/sites/137/2019/06/357-017ac7cbeeef209-HR301-HolidayPay.pdf  Link to holiday schedule:  https://sites.highlands.edu/human-resources/ghc-holidays/      

Notifying TRS of Life Changes

Events, or life changes, occurring during the course of your TRS membership may necessitate you contacting our office to report beneficiary changes or name changes. Events such as: Marriage, Birth of Children, Divorce, or Death of Spouse. The Change of Beneficiary form should be completed to report beneficiary or name changes to TRS. It is […]

Keep mailing and email addresses current

It is important that you keep your mailing and email addresses current in OneUSG Connect. This contact information is used for announcements, Open Enrollment, medical cards, W-2s, etc. Refer to the attached job tool for more information and instructions. How to change your address in OneUSG Video – How to change your address in OneUSG […]