May is Mental Health Awareness Month
There’s a lot going on these days that can cause everyone to have stress. Those who already have mental health issues may be having a really difficult time with the added stress and uncertainty. Everyone needs to take the time to not just be kind and caring of others, but to do so for themselves […]
Retirement @ Work User Guide
Would you like to open an investment, view your balances or make changes to your supplemental retirement plans? View and manage your investments through Retirement@Work. Retirement@Work User Guide 5.2020
Today: Midday Mindfulness
Join in today 12:00 – 12:20 pm for Midday Mindfulness. Today’s topic will discuss stretches for spine health. Sitting too much during the day can put pressure on your spine and cause pain and discomfort. We will do a walk-through of some exercises to help following the presentation & discussion. Click Here to join Add […]
Monthly Payroll Reminder
Good Morning, Timesheet Approval for All Monthly Employees Monthly Employees & Managers: Please have all absence requests entered and approved by 4:00pm, Thursday, May 21th. Monthly timesheets do not need to be approved by the employee or the manager. However, all absences must be requested and approved for them to be paid. Please remember that […]
May EAPHelplink Seminar – Accepting Aging
Online Seminar: Accepting Aging: Yourself and Others | Available on Demand starting May 19th Examine “normal” age-related changes and identify ways for you to come to terms with your own aging. YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM – Available any time, any day, your Employee Assistance Program is a free, confidential benefit to help you balance your […]
want to eat healthier? add some color to your diet.
Eating enough fruits and vegetables can be a challenge. The variety of produce is far from boring.
Quick Reference from DOL Regarding FFCRA Benefits
USG COVID-19 Leave Options and Procedures FAQs FINAL 4.1.20
Today: Midday Mindfulness
Join in today 12:00 – 12:20 pm for Midday Mindfulness. Today’s topic will discuss how to be mindful of the frequency and duration of media you take in as well as how you feel once consuming it. There will be a guided meditation exercise following the presentation & discussion. Click Here to join Add Midday […]
OneUSG – How to change your address
It is important that you keep your mailing and email addresses current in OneUSG Connect. This contact information is used for announcements, Open Enrollment, medical cards, W-2s, etc. Refer to the attached job tool for more information and instructions. How to change your address in OneUSG Video – How to change your address in OneUSG […]