As students at Georgia Highlands College (GHC) worked toward graduation this spring semester, the novel COVID-19 virus created a unique situation for students across all programs of study. However, through their resilience, more than 1,000 students are set to be highlighted in the upcoming virtual commencement. Taniesha Harrison is one of the combined 119 students […]
Duo Is Coming Soon for Students!
Securing information and information systems is an important responsibility of the University System of Georgia (USG) and all USG institutions. In order to ensure that we are doing our part to keep our students safe online, GHC will require the use of Duo Security for all student Single Sign-On accounts beginning on August 1st, 2020. […]
Changes to GHC’s Microsoft Office 365 Licensing
Microsoft updated their licensing model for Microsoft Office 365 earlier this year and, as part of the Division of Information Technology’s efforts to minimize cost increases and support GHC’s budget reduction efforts for FY2021, we have revised our contract as follows: Full-time staff, full-time faculty, and all students will continue to be able to use […]
July EAPHELPLINK SEMINAR – Adventuring and exploring
Online Seminar: Explore New Horizons and Expand the Mind | Available on Demand starting July 21st Discover the possibility and promise of seeking and exploring new horizons. YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM – Available any time, any day, your Employee Assistance Program is a free, confidential benefit to help you balance your work, family, and personal […]
USG e-clips for July 15, 2020
University System News: Tifton CEO Bridges Begins Record-Setting 15th Year as ABAC President Staff Report When he walked up the steps of historic Tift Hall on the campus of Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College on July 1 to begin his 15th year, Dr. David Bridges became the longest serving president in the history of ABAC. As […]
USG e-clips for July 16, 2020
University System News: The Augusta Chronicle CBD could be a therapy for severe COVID-19 lung condition, Augusta University research shows By Tom Corwin An active ingredient derived from marijuana could be a potential therapy for the sickest COVID-19 patients, researchers at Augusta University said. Using an active ingredient derived from marijuana could potentially help treat […]
USG e-clips for July 17, 2020
University System News: MSN AU Health COVID-19 specimen collection location to relocate to downtown Augusta Tyria Goines Beginning Friday, July 17, the current drive-thru location at Christenberry Fieldhouse will relocate to the Augusta University Health Sciences Campus at Annex II on 15th Street, the site of the former university vehicles services shop. The new location […]
USG e-clips for July 20, 2020
University System News: Northwest Georgia News GHC’s criminal justice program sees first graduate during college’s 50th anniversary Richey Harrell is blazing a new trail. He is the first graduate of the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice program at Georgia Highlands College. The program began in 2019 and Harrell’s accomplishment coincides with the college’s 50th […]
Monthly Payroll Reminder
Good Morning, Timesheet Approval for All Monthly Employees Monthly Employees & Managers: Please have all absence requests for July entered and approved by 4:00pm, Tuesday, July 21st. Monthly timesheets do not need to be approved by the employee or the manager. However, all absences must be requested and approved for them to be paid. A […]