Watch and share this special message from University System of Georgia Chancellor Steve Wrigley to the Georgia Highlands College community on the 50th anniversary year of the college! #TakingCharge For more on the 50th, please visit To watch and share, please click one of the links below: Facebook Twitter Instagram
Baby Girl Birth Announcement
Scout Elise Gilmore was born on September 14, 2020 at 8:32 pm. She weighed 6.15 pounds and was 18 1/4”. Mother and baby are both doing great!
Monthly Payroll Reminder
Good Morning, Timesheet Approval for All Monthly Employees Monthly Employees & Managers: Please have all absence requests entered and approved by 4:00pm, Tuesday, September 22nd. Monthly timesheets do not need to be approved by the employee or the manager. However, all absences must be requested and approved for them to be paid. Please remember that […]
Colorism in the Latinx Community: Link for Video
The link for the video of the Colorism in the Latinx Community is posted below. Thanks to all those who attended.
30 Days of Gratitude – Day 16
Three Good Things Campaign: It is very easy… Before leaving work for the next 30 days simply write down three good things that happened to you today or three things that you are thankful for. Gratitude has a powerful impact on our physical and emotional well-being. Click Here for the Three Good Things Campaign worksheet
GHC’s new ‘Virtual Hub’ offers convenient way to access student services from anywhere
A big change for students this fall is the implementation of GHC’s new Virtual Hub, allowing students to connect with specialists in Enrollment Management, Financial Aid, Admissions, Advising, Business Office and Student Support Services from anywhere! For more details on the Virtual Hub visit
50 Golden Years: Share this video to help celebrate GHC’s big anniversary year!
SHARE AND WATCH: Join Georgia Highlands College as we celebrate 50 golden years. From Floyd Junior College to Floyd College to GHC, students all across Northwest Georgia have #TakingCharge of their future right here at home. Join the celebration at
Celebrate GHC’s 50th Anniversary: Celebration Stations at every location!
Join GHC’s golden celebration by stopping by the Celebration Station at each GHC location starting September 21 from 10:30AM to 12:30PM. Celebration Stations can be visited at the times above until September 24 while supplies last.
This and Next Week’s CETL Workshops
Effective Use of Zoom Breakout Rooms Join us for an interactive exploration of pedagogical best practices for Zoom breakout rooms. In this workshop, you will learn how to create and manage Zoom breakout rooms, try out possible group activities, and plan how to use breakout rooms in your classes. A recording with be shared with registered participants. […]
Best-Selling Author Coming Virtually to GHC
Dr. Saundra McGuire, best-selling author of Teach Students How to Learn, will be presenting to the GHC community on October 1st via Zoom. Please sign up today for the session(s) on October 1st. Also, let your students know about the presentation at 2:00 PM, which is designed just for students! For more information and the […]