TRS Event Fraud Warning

To: TRS Reporting Employers From: Teachers Retirement System of Georgia Date: October 14, 2022 Subject: TRS event fraud warning & action steps It has come to our attention that some financial services companies are representing themselves as TRS and communicating pension plan information to our members in ways that may be incorrect or aimed at […]

Floyd Café Weekly Specials – October 17th

Weekly Specials and Events Monday – Thursday Breakfast: 8:00-10:00 A.M. Lunch: 11:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. Help us get Better!!  Aladdin Satisfaction Survey via the following web link: Monday, October 17, 2022 Pulled BBQ chicken with potatoes and vegetables Tuesday, October 18, 2022 Nacho and taco bar Free bag of chips with proof of taking survey […]

Cartersville Café Weekly Specials – October 17th

Weekly Specials and Events Monday – Thursday Breakfast: 9:00-10:30 A.M. Lunch: 10:30 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. Help us get Better!!  Aladdin Satisfaction Survey via the following web link: Monday, October 17, 2022 Pulled BBQ chicken with potatoes and vegetables Tuesday, October 18, 2022 Nacho and taco bar Free bag of chips with proof of taking survey […]

Spring 2023 TAP Applications Now Open!

The window to submit your Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) application for the spring semester is now open. TAP applications for Spring 2023  are due November 15th. – Following is the link to download and complete the TAP Application: Employee Application for Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) If you are a Part-Time Nursing Faculty please use the following link: Part-Time Nursing […]

Thinking of retiring and enrolled in TRS?

If you’re thinking of retiring and enrolled in TRS, we recommend you contact TRS for a retirement benefit estimate and to discuss the various plans of retirement. If you are considering retiring within the next two years, we recommend that you speak with one of their retirement counselors. A retirement calculation will be prepared for […]

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month Tip: Keeping Children Safe Online

What unique risks are associated with children? When a child is using your computer, normal safeguards and security practices may not be sufficient. Children present additional challenges because of their natural characteristics: innocence, curiosity, desire for independence, and fear of punishment. You need to consider these characteristics when determining how to protect your data and […]

Open Enrollment- Action Required

USG Open Enrollment is Monday, October 24-Friday, November 4th. ALL Employees must take action by November 4th-Employees MUST certify tobacco user status AND Working spouse status If these are not updated during open enrollment, surcharges will apply and be taken out of pay checks. Be sure to check your paychecks in January 2023 to verify […]

5 Complimentary HIPs Webinars

“The Assessment Institute will host 5 complimentary Zoom-based 60-minute webinars throughout the year featuring national leaders from HIPs in the States (High-Impact Practices). These sessions are open to anyone in the higher education community.” Wed, November 30: Why is equitable participation in experiential education so elusive? Wed, February 22: What role(s) do student affairs educators play […]

Remember to Read this Weekend!

Faculty and Staff, mark your calendars to join us in Zoom at one of the following times to discuss the Introduction & Chapter 1 of Relationship-Rich Education. Please read this portion of the book before the meeting. The Zoom meeting link will be emailed to you. You may also access the Zoom meeting via the QR code […]