23 Free Books!

Creating the Path to Success in the Classroom 4 Zoom meetings in Spring 2023  |  Facilitator: Rachel Rupprecht 10 copies of the book remain!       The Spark of Learning 4 Zoom meetings in Spring 2023 |  Facilitator: Josie Baudier 13 copies of the book remain!

LGBTQ+ Resources for Students

The GHC Library and Student Engagement have created a list of resources for LGBTQ+ students at GHC. You can access this LibGuide here, and make sure you’re involved in Equality Alliance, GHC’s LGBTQ+ student activity club. The faculty advisor for EA is Brittany Ozmore, bozmore@highlands.edu and the president is Cheyenne Bailey, cbaile21@student.highlands.edu

Next Week @ CETL: Authentic Assessment, Paulding GIFTs

Grading Lab: Authentic Assessment  |  January 24-27, 2023 How can you assess real learning rather than test-taking prowess? How can your course’s assessments benefit your students after they finish your course? When you join this four-day asynchronous lab, you’ll work for 4 hours to explore these and related questions. Your work will culminate in the […]

Charger Chat Recording

Want to learn more about the Foundation, what it does, and where it will go? If so, check out the recording for this month’s Charger Chat! The link is below. The conversation started at the 10:28 mark. Next month’s Charger Chat will be on February 21st and cover the Highlands Writer’s Conference with Jessica Lindberg […]

Respondus Resources for Faculty

Here are resources and new features provided by Respondus: General Training Resources for Respondus Respondus Office Hours for faculty to schedule time with a trainer New Show Your Work feature Instructor Live Proctoring feature Settings in the Startup Sequence when using Monitor: you can disable several options including the environmental check, if you wish.

Free Books!

Creating the Path to Success in the Classroom 4 Zoom meetings in Spring 2023  |  Facilitator: Rachel Rupprecht “At a time when the numbers of underrepresented students – working adults, minority, first-generation, low-income, and international students – is increasing, this book, a companion to her earlier Teaching Underprepared Students, addresses that lack of specific guidance […]